(0 replies, posted in Releases)

Having followed the work of John D Boswell (Melodysheep/Symphony of Science), I decided to release an lsdj arrangement of one of my favourites of his: Rise From Your Tomb! Tim Burton's Frankenweenie Remixed.

go to my bandcamp and download the track (along with other recent tracks) free or PWYC.

Link to the original video and John Boswell's YouTube channel:


YMGenesis Tracker (YMGT)


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

Best soundtrack to end university!

Man this is totally kickass. AN ORIGINAL CHIPTUNE FUGUE!? (An Age Of Planetary Pride)....Take my money.


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

Poor guy:(
You need to start somewhere, friend. This just happens to be yours and people here just happen to frown upon these things.

KEEP GOING. Don't stop. Ya your name might be a bit funny, but WHO SHOULD CARE? For all they know it could just be that you've created a garageband called chiptunes.

I agree with most people in saying that the learning curve is the best way to go. Learn your hardware, then slowly slowly slowly work away at it. Soon you'll develop the skills to make things sound thick.

Happy composing:)

also inb4 obligatory cm.o asshat troll

I personally enjoy tracking on a PC/MAC then transferring it using an everdrive or something. You're going to have to use the everdrive to use the tracker ROM anyhow... might as well have more functionality.

Delek has a great point. Maybe you can compose a tune on the PC/MAC then export it to a file (say in DefleMask), then transfer it to your new sega-based tracker and BAM! Live mode and your PC creation.

Also, handheld FM O_O
What's this world coming too?
I'm so excited for it.


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Those non-animated doods look like me, that's weird...




(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So...this is an obvious troll from somebody IN the scene.

Man this looks like such a sick project. Hopefully all the logic is sound! I have no clue personally...


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Holy that's heavy stuff!
Is it all Atari+?

nitro2k01 wrote:

Some cables are "charge only" cables. These skimp out on the two wires used for communication. Can you use this cable to connect to the Blackberry from the PC? (or Mac tongue ) If so, it should derp along just fine. The cartridge should work under OSX just fine.

Is there specific brand you'd recommend? Or is it a matter of trying/buying different cables and hope one will work?

Delek wrote:

Mac version coming very soon btw.

I think I'm gonna...

So I'm plugging my cart into my mac, it gets one fairly short red blink, then stops blinking altogether. My mac doesn't recognize it.

I have no access to other cables; I'm using my blackberry to PC cable.

From what I've read it connects properly but my mac won't read the contents? I'll see if I can locate another cable. Guess I don't have any other Micro-B plug devices...


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


I prefer pre-pot, as well. Adjust volume with the mixer makes things easier if you're working with a bigger setup.

Evil Scientist wrote:

Has anyone managed to load a sav in kigb on mac 10.7? If so, how? I can't seem to find a folder to put the sav in?

If I remember correctly, you should put it in home folder>Library>Application Support>Bannister>KiGB>Battery RAM.
If it doesn't exist, create it. Sometimes it can be finnicky.


(14 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I'm also down if this also happens.
Except without the whole 'cover the song from memory'.