hmmm here's a good use to that useless 60w soldering iron I n00b-bought some years ago

Yeah I've been off putting buying a dremel for years sad

but they *are* expensive...

I'd go with the "5$ drill in a pawn shop" suggestion, though

Ah that's a cool thread!

Here's a pic of me when I was 16 LOLOLOL


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ESC: ah man, well I YELL at you too

H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y  &&  F U C K  Y O U R  W O R K P L A C E


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fuck cake, I request sonic mayhem

I'm a total n00b, but wouldn't it be WAY easier to have a PC-based utility that sorts out the .sav and rearranges it in an NSF?

HAHAHA omg I totally did NOT imply you were not good enough sad

I'm saying that if you have no interest in it, you shouldn't have to do it

and unless we have someone with the skills, it's never going to happen



NSF is GREAT, I can carry 5000 tracks, have them play accurately almost on any PC I find, and this takes a whopping 5 megs, with the plugin to play them

It also allows you to DJ files in a different context

Obviously, Neil doesn't wanna make it happen, and I respect that... if he's not going to use it then he shouldn't waste his magical creative juice on it

HOWEVER, from my experience, Neil is also one hell of an ACE guy, and therefore I motion that if someone is good enough to figure out how to extract NSFs from .sav data, then he should get in contact with him and I'm sure something can be arranged...

SOOOooooo that bring us to the REAL question:

Is there anyone here that is good enough to do that?

herr_prof wrote:

Best bootleg ever.

*URL removed for explicate and distasteful content*


I have a HUGE penis !

ooh damn excuse me, am I derailing the thread? shouldn't that be called dethreading?


herr_prof wrote:
RG wrote:

As far as I know I haven't seen any violence here.

Is it a rule that every gameboy thread must end in fake happiness/blind pacification?


Yea, its in subsection 26a of the CHIPTARDS GUIDE TO FORUMS.

"Guys who post in an aggressive manner with fake bravado and nietzschian superbravery tend to piss off people on forums who may be unfamiliar with their verbal style, or aren't used to pseudo tough-guy imagery

Conversely, people like fake friendly people on a more consistent basis than fake angry people, if only so they don't have to think as often about the yawning bleakness that is everyone collective insecurity".

And who the fuck was talking about Game Boy Threads?

I went to one where out of nowhere someone gave him a knife (!!!) and, as if in unison, blasts of anvil-sized kick drums were ripping the speaker cones as he started stabbing his Amiga with said knife.

One time I went to see Thrill Kill Kult and the room was pretty empty on a rainy chicago night. The lead singer started preaching about satan and the bible, and then he dramatically pulled out some hotel bible from beneah his death moomoo and threw it on the the empty pit floor. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence before I put down my drink, gave an exaggerated sigh, and walked over the the bible and ripped it in half,when it was then ripped out of my hands by some preteen goths, and they started their next song.

Alien Sex Fiend were excellent however.

An this is why Mr Swimm is awesome.

That will be all.

can't listen to it, it's all slowed down glitchy garbage o_O

Cuz this is all I have:

Sound (PSG): Texas Instruments SN76489

4 channel mono sound (3 Square Waves, 1 White Noise)
3 tone generators, 10 octaves each, 1 white noise generator

I'm totally in.

If someone can put the actual limitations that'd be nice, I'm going to use chipsounds so I have to set the constraints for myself!


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

Xyno: Battle Lava and not me eh? I'll remember this!

BitShifter: Fuck yeah 8gb!!


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

NYC has never hosted [XC3N] without Aliceffekt... [XC3N] is doing chip music, Aliceffekt isn't...

sounds like a good opportunity for all of us =P



(27 replies, posted in Releases)

Man this is amazing, mind if I play it on FM?