(8 replies, posted in Releases)


jmr from Newfoundland, Canada, hits CDKr with his latest release, Skywave Effect, 12 tracks of exciting pop jams. Whether you're in the mood to dance, chill, or revel in the ecstatic waves of music, there's something for everyone here!

pssh, I don't have sausage fingers


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not gonna lie, much prefer Jellica

I'd be down, depending on day of gig etc

No chance for ultra fatty t-shirts? :'(


(33 replies, posted in Releases)

meh it's alright*

*zomg it's amazing


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I get Matt Simmonds to stand on it



(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

noisewaves wrote:
µB wrote:

A musician is someone who makes music.

What qualifies as music is subjective.

this is the answer. </thread>

Surely the answer is subjective? </coolfaic>


(5 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Can we have a link "view X's music" when we're on X's profile page?

Can the "Search" function to the right on this page be labelled "Forum Search" and the search function on the music page be labelled "music search"? I've searched the forum by accident a few times.


(feel free to make boring shitty sarcastic replies below)


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

10k wrote:

They're all great. Honestly.


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

Amazing set of tracks, listen/download this asap!



(195 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Derris-Kharlan wrote:

can this please please please be mid-late june kthnx

this, so hard

I like the ROM, it is quite soothing.

Can we have a textual update of what happend plz lol m8 cheerz