I write boring things. With words.
At night I provide free childcare to a toddler. I have not figured out how to monetize that activity.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by roboctopus
I write boring things. With words.
At night I provide free childcare to a toddler. I have not figured out how to monetize that activity.
Just now checked this out. Nice work!
Also, a big thanks to the kind sir or madam who added me! *doffs hat*
This actually is really cool. I wish it was longer. Those melancholic melodies at the end of "Savannah" were golden.
Is anyone else bracing themselves for one of their track names to show up here?
I would say "Chipset Sunset" but it's so awesome that it transcends its name as well as time and space.
Jredd does a lot of Genesis stuff.
Animal Style's Trenchvent http://www.8bitpeoples.com/discography/8BP106?show=all
Finally got around to checking this out. Excellent!
And thanks for the source files! I've been meaning to check out Klystrack.
Monodon Monoceros was my jam this morning. Such a good album.
Awww nuts. No where close to me! Maybe some future tour...
Come to Nashville or Birmingham!
Yeah, this is really cool. Good vocals and killer vibes!
Let's do another Nashville show d00d!
An easy, ready-made way to do this is to use Lightwall. Its a NES program that lets you do funky patterned visuals you can control with a controller.
You can run the ROM in an emulator if you don't want to fool with a NES and a flashcart. I have a copy on my soft-modded Wii, which has an emulator on it. Works like a charm.
This is the thread about it: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/1714/ … m/page/22/
This is strange. And lovely.
"I'm Not That Kind of Boy" 4-ever!
Also, as good as this is, Mr. Wimmer is great live! So go see him, fools!!!!
I've been wondering what happened to Monomania. His LSDJ bass tones were phenomenal. Never released an EP and disappeared with 8bc, apparently.
Anyone know if he still does music?
No menus, no presets, perfect!
My thoughts exactly!
Is this strictly a DMG event, or will there be an Amiga (/atari) somewhere in there? Looking forward to the Datathrash lineup.
(too many .gifs!)
It's definitely not strictly DMG.
Starpilot stopped using Gameboy
BSK (Bokusatsu Shoujo Koubou) makes chipbreaky stuff now I think
Inverse Phase does cool SID and Pokey stuff
I'm probably missing people.
And don't forget folks who will play instruments or sing or whatever!
I really want one of these new MS-20s.
roboctopus wrote:One thing that's daunting: there are a bajillion versions of Protracker (Version 2.1a, version 3.X, etc.). Is there a preferred version? And is there a good tutorial for that version? (assuming there are big differences between versions...) That is to say, if I want to learn on emulator, with the option to buy hardware down the road, what is the best route to take?
Protracker 2.3d is the best of the "true" protracker line. (before they ruined it)
Personally I think the best tutorial is grab the st-01 sample disk and get on with it, worked for a generation of mod composers back then. We all started there. If you can put up with it, try and run it off floppies in an emulator, you'll at least get a feel of what it was like to work with originally. (though 2.3d works happily with a virtual harddrive)
Thank you! This is exactly the kind of simple advice I needed. I found the ST-01 sample disk and Protracker 2.3d and I'm ready to experiment!
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by roboctopus