(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Gamer_freak8520 wrote:
kitsch wrote:

its a general amp, class D, it'll boost the signal for headphones as well

just got three of these in the mail to test for the shop wink  like... literally on tuesday tongue

is this why the web page is down? If not when would you be expecting to have this in stack at your shop?

You should read his update.


(13 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

8BIT KIDD wrote:
nickmaynard wrote:

the person you're linking to will do it for you. why not ask them?

cos they want 400 euro and i cant afford that much

Then save up for 400 euro and get it later.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

4x DMG setup complete.


(13 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

Whoa! I've never seen any of these before.

I use a PSP 2000.


(13 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

A pc?

Read previous posts

Also, title fixed to prevent this coming up again

Nah, pc is hardware. Now that you changed the title, it's not an option now.


(13 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

A pc?

If you felt my response to your question wasn't very helpful to you, my bad.

I hope you figure out the instrument problem you're having.

metatronaut wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

Can be looked down upon.

(directed toward katsumbhong)
Who says I can't ask how to do something?

This is general discussion, not a youtube comment section.

And also, I may be new to the whole chiptune thing, but that doesn't mean you have to put me down just for asking.

You asked me a question and I answered, and now you are having an issue with my response.

Nothing wrong with asking for help.

If you are a newb, whatever, try not to take everything that isn't directly helping you as offense.

an0va wrote:

Yo there's nothing wrong with asking how to get a certain sound and people use each other's instruments all the time without "being looked down upon," it just sometimes looks a little silly to ask because it's like asking "how do i get Slash's guitar tone" (which I still don't know, hmu)

The centered instrument in the intro sounds like a tabled octave jump. Throw some 0C's on dat bitch
The other instrument just sounds like a pulse panned left and right, lemme hear u say Oxx

The reason your instruments may sound different is because many things factor into the instrument settings, like the Tempo of your track will affect the tables

But the real thing is: you only have a few commands, a couple waveforms*, three positions of panning**, and 15 steps of volume***, so fuck around with random shit-you wont break anything and you may come up with cool sounds that other people will wonder how the hell you did them too!

- - -

* - yes i know this is a huge understatement; neckbeards = no
** - goddammit i know theres a way around this here too
*** - jesus dont make me get the hose

Can be looked down upon.

metatronaut wrote:

Ummmmmm what? XD

You should try asking Chipzel herself if she could give you the programming of her instrument.

If she doesn't give it to you, than that's that.

Generally it takes chiptune artists a great deal of time and hard work to create their own unique sound which includes programming of instruments in LSDj and combinations with filters and effects.

If an artist does not want to give their instrument programming, then that's it.

Buttering up the topic title praising the instrumentation doesn't change the fact that asking for the instrument programming of another artist can be looked down upon in smaller music communities like chiptune.

A great deal of the point of LSDj is to make your own instruments. Using other artists' instruments is a weird gray area.

It takes more than using instruments from good chiptune artists to make good chiptune music.

Also, PW is Pulse Width.

My 2 cents.


Checking to see if anyone knew any chiptune artists in Taiwan. I will be moving there in July.

Never cheap out on mods that are cheap to begin with. An extra $10 would've saved you a whole lot of trouble.

Get the handheld hero bl from kitsch.


(8 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

remute wrote:

i just got a f300 and can't get the piggy to work.
when starting via ginge, the screen is totally f*cked up (sound works!).

is there a fix / solution?

katsumbhong wrote:

I've done some reading on it when I couldn't find an F200 and just before I purchased my GP2X CAANOO.

From what I remember finding, there were very few emulators that were ported over to the unit due to the fact that it was released just before the company went down. So in terms of support, there wasn't much.

If you want to use it for the base programs, go for it, but if you were thinking about running any sort of emulator on it for roms, I would suggest going for an F200, CAANOO or other piece of hardware from the company or similar.