This is great. Especially loving lifestyles of the PNW.
50 Mar 31, 2018 1:11 pm
Re: LSDJ Questions for live musicians (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
How do YOU set up more than one song when you do live shows?
I have two DMGs, with the same setup on each - so two LSDJ carts, with the same setlist. I queue the next song up on the Game Boy that is currently not playing, and connect the two with a small iRig mixer.
What is the best and smoothest way for song transitions that you personally use?
I used to synch the two Game Boys using a cable, and tempo match the tracks so they could smoothly transition with my mixer, but it was a lot of work and not really worth the effort. Now I just stop the track. Let people cheer/clap/throw shit, then I start the next track. Like a band would.
How important do you think it is with backlight on a DMG?
Vital. Trying to see the screen without a backlight live is a nightmare. You can get those old light magnifier things if you look about, but they're not too practical.
Is it worth finding an adaptor for power while playing live?
I personally do use USB power adaptors from Kitsch Bent live. I don't tend to notice too much extra noise, and I've had issues with AA batteries in the past, getting knocked out of place when I've fallen over or whatever.
51 Mar 27, 2018 4:22 pm
Re: Blörb, der Bär - N (3 replies, posted in Releases)
Nice work. I almost didn't listen as I'm not usually wild about covers, but these are great.
52 Mar 26, 2018 1:13 pm
Re: HoustonTracker 2 (TI-82/83/83+/84+) (227 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
This is awesome, thank you. Maybe I'll get around to releasing that HT album I've got half finished at some point...
What emulator are you using to run the TI on your computer?
53 Mar 22, 2018 6:52 pm
Re: DMG WAV Channel Bleed? (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
paste a blank row in the top of the song, add a chain with one phrase with a short sound at the beginning to line up later to PU1, hit start. It'll only play the first channel. move it over to PU2, WAV, NOI etc
Thanks, but synching isn't the issue - like I mentioned above
54 Mar 22, 2018 6:50 pm
Re: DMG WAV Channel Bleed? (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
unexpectedbowtie wrote:I would play in Live mode, but trying to remember the exact chain for each instrument makes that almost impossible. As in, currently I write the track out... and then 'solo' each channel for a take. Playing Live would mean remembering the exact structure - or building it in the DAW from loops, which I want to avoid.
I don't get what you are saying. Isn't your song just a list of chains? If so, use live mode to play it from top to bottom, once for each channel. No need to split it up into loops just because you're using live mode. Or am I missing something?
I am an idiot. That makes total sense. I saw live mode and thought you meant to play Live mode 'live', as it were. In blocks. Thanks. I'll try this out
55 Mar 22, 2018 1:21 pm
Re: DMG WAV Channel Bleed? (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
unexpectedbowtie wrote:remembering the exact structure - or building it in the DAW from loops, which I want to avoid.
put a short sound at the beginning of the song to help line them up later.
just an idea if all else fails
Thanks Synching isn't the issue though - I do that over MIDI. It's the noise bleed from the other channels when they are supposed to be muted that's causing hassles.
56 Mar 22, 2018 10:59 am
Re: DMG WAV Channel Bleed? (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
If the kick is a sample (kit) then this may be a side effect of the antispike fix I suggested that Johan should add a couple of years ago. This makes kits less noisy, and in particular makes them usable at all on GBA, which would otherwise have sounded horrible.
I suggest you record in live mode instead, which lets you literally only play one channel at a time, rather than playing all channels and soloing one channel.
That's the thing - it's a WAV instrument, not a sample
I would play in Live mode, but trying to remember the exact chain for each instrument makes that almost impossible. As in, currently I write the track out... and then 'solo' each channel for a take. Playing Live would mean remembering the exact structure - or building it in the DAW from loops, which I want to avoid.
57 Mar 21, 2018 11:05 pm
Topic: DMG WAV Channel Bleed? (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
When I record LSDJ 'songs', I do so a track at a time - synching each one up to my DAW's MIDI.
That's all been fine and well, but on a recent track where I was playing about with new kick drum sounds in the WAV channel (rather than NOISE, which I tend to use), I ran into a strange issue.
When I record a channel (PU1 for example), with all the others muted, I am getting a clicking sound in time with the kick drum instrument on the WAV channel - even though it's muted. I thought this was a panning issue somewhere, but it happens even when everything is set to the centre. Somehow, the WAV channel kick is bleeding over into the others.
Here's an example MP3:
https://unexpectedbowtie.files.wordpres gclick.mp3
If I blank out the WAV channel completely (add in a blank chain), the clicking goes away. I've tried it on a couple of different Game Boys, and had the same thing.
Is this normal? I've not come across it before. Any suggestions welcome!
58 Mar 21, 2018 2:18 pm
Re: For sale : DMGs / LSDJ / Cameras (8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
unexpectedbowtie wrote:This happened to me before as well. Ridiculous.
Bloody hilarious! I don't understand why they can't let it slide, as they're opening to allowing me to open a new one. It's really fucked up my discogs game too, I'm pissed!
I kicked up such a fuss that I managed to get mine back. They refused to accept the fact that I'd re-agreed to the ToS after I was 18 (over 11 years since I first registered, btw). Pretty stupid.
59 Mar 18, 2018 8:36 pm
Re: For sale : DMGs / LSDJ / Cameras (8 replies, posted in Trading Post)
my paypal was shutdown at the start of last week, because I opened it when I was under 18 (lol).
This happened to me before as well. Ridiculous.
60 Mar 11, 2018 9:45 pm
Re: Survey About Chiptune! (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
61 Mar 1, 2018 3:03 pm
Re: Elektron Digitone (49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
y'all on a chiptune forum complaining about limitations . .
Aye. The Digitakt and the Game Boy are definitely comparable. Especially in cost.
62 Feb 18, 2018 1:40 am
Re: whats the cart selection like these days? (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I still like the EMS! I've had three of them for years and never had any hassle.
63 Feb 15, 2018 9:54 pm
Re: Elektron Digitone (49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
Hey go update your digitakt to OS 1.06 before you blast it so much mate!
1.06 doesn't address any of my issues Still no multi-track recording, ability to backup files/projects, no copy and paste of MIDI CC config, etc.
64 Feb 15, 2018 1:08 pm
Re: Tips on recording/mastering music? (7 replies, posted in Audio Production)
but one of the common things that folks do when recording LSDJ tracks is to mute all the channels except one, and record them individually, so that you have more control over the various elements when mixing. I tend to do this (synched to the DAW clock by MIDI), then record them all again with external effects (like reverb, delay, whatever) - so I have two of each Game Boy track.
After that, I often record other synths on top, using LSDJ to sequence them using MIDIOUT... add in a drum machine or whatever. It beefs things up a lot. I'm not too interested in keeping things 'pure'. After that, it's regular mixing/mastering techniques as standard for any electronic music.