(49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Depends on what you want to do really. Digitone can go very far away from the "chiptune" sound, and the sequencer is more immediate than a tracker (though very similar). But the ST4, with a proper tracker interface, would make it possible to create full songs easily.

I'd still recommend the Digitone, tbh.


(49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Just uploaded a couple more videos.. Trying to maximise a track in the same way as I would in nanoloop, but as each track can be polyphonic it's possible to overlap different sounds on the same track!

And a jam with the pattern I made in the tutorial:


(49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

This thing is fkn awesome

Haha yeah, that too.. I played one gig with a setup of OP-1, PO-12, nanoloop2, Boss RPS-10. At some point during the first half of the set, one of the cables fell out of the RPS-10, meaning anything I had playing on the OP-1 didn't come through, and as I had everything set up in a case, it took me most of the set to figure out what was wrong while trying to juggle PO-12 and nanoloop.

Similarly, I had a setup of Nord Modular, Octatrack and KMI QuNexus in a big 12U mixer case; again, played one gig with it before realising it was too unwieldy and I should just take my OT out to gigs like that.. nobody really notices the difference anyway, just doesn't look as impressive lol

I used to play sets using a PO-12 and a GB micro w/nanoloop 2 (sometimes two), but now I just run one copy of nl2 because I got better at designing punchy kicks and don't need PO-12 anymore. I find it more comfortable to operate just one bit of gear, there was always something lost when I had to juggle multiple items.

Having said that though, my recent PO-33 acquisition has made me want to pair it with nanoloop at some point.. even so though, I could probably just sample nl2 and play my full set from the PO lol


(49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

For sure, I'm really keen to get into making videos with it. I'm experienced enough with Elektron gear now that I can probably get a few solid demos together pretty quickly.


(49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

unexpectedbowtie wrote:

I wouldn't be rushing to buy a Digitone right at release for that reason - that's all I'm saying.

Too late, I just ordered one this morning tongue

edit: the bugs so far seem to mostly stem from using it with other gear. I can wait for those to be fixed, as I'm primarily getting it to use standalone (but will eventually start using it with my nord lead for additional weirdness).

dojocasino wrote:

What do you recommend to pair with a gameboy to achieve this "kick"? I also had the volca kick in mind, but I though the po-32 could be more versatile and add clearer and more complex beats.

I haven't had a chance to play with the PO-32, but if it's anything like the PO-12, the kicks are *super* punchy. I guess it comes down to how you design them in microtonic (if you use that with the PO-32).

Volca kick is also great, also quite ridiculously bassy, but not as clean. It's definitely good for huge, thunderous, distorted kicks though.


(49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

herr_prof wrote:

I’ve heard that about every product going back to the monomachine, so I’m not surprised.

yeah apparently they were all quite buggy in the beginning, especially the OT. They eventually got updated to become pretty solid, reliable machines though, so I still trust Elektron to get it right.

It's funny, the same people complaining about not having Overbridge for DT now are the same ones that said the DT shouldn't have been released so early. If the Overbridge features were released now without adequate testing/development, wouldn't it be the same as releasing the DT too early?


(49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

There's a lot of hate over at Elektronauts.

I think it's just become standard practice lately to release finished hardware with somewhat less finished firmware. There were plenty of bugs in other Elektron machines on launch, but they were eventually fixed. I'm not gonna let it bother me too much, that said, my feelings may change if I get a digitone lol


(49 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

yeah I'm pretty sure I'll be getting one

these are what helped me

be open to sudden, jarring changes. they may seem super wrong at first, but do it enough and you'll get used to it

listen to some 70s prog and try to figure out how they do it

write two completely different sections without thinking of the other, and try to join them somehow by leading into one from the other. I cobbled together multiple bits I wrote from a span of around 10 years for one track, it's prog as fuck

forget verse-chorus structure unless you're specifically writing lyrics for such a structure, but even then, only the chorus really needs to be similar every time. try writing a totally different verse progression for each "verse"

use two completely different choruses

change instrumentation each time a section repeats, or time signature, or tempo, or all of those

use brian eno's oblique strategies to think outside the box


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

this is the first full chippy track I made


made in Buzz using the SPECCY synth and some videogame and drum machine samples

no problem! if you haven't checked it out already, the operator-1 forum is a good source of tips and tricks for all TE products:


nope, unfortunately

embrace the temporary nature of jam-based music, imo. I know it's easier said than done, as when I had a po-12 I was hesitant to overwrite patterns, but it's really meant for on-the-fly production rather than building up a huge library of patterns/tracks


(2 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Check your swing setting? (hold BPM and turn knob A)