I don't know if there is enough demand for it to be a good request but what about colored Gameboy Pocket screen protectors?  Like the available colors for the DMG but for the pocket instead?

Teh D3th St4r wrote:

That pink case is SICK!
Do want! Trade?

Yo, you should get a clear pocket and paint it pink from the inside.  That would look so nice!  I got a clear pocket and painted it yellow from the inside and then stuck white buttons on it.  I call it my bananaboy.  It's what I use for all my portable writing.

White buttons!!   I need some!  How much does it cost to get a batch manufactured?  I'd be down to have a batch made and sell them off myself.

Pictures always help people solve problems on here.  Loads of pictures.  Different angles.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saskrotch wrote:

yeah that was part of the joke. the other part is that it's a laptop so the keyboard is on it's side too.

glad you guys pick up on jokes real well.

I smiled a little but stopped...  But token was first to respond and ruin your joke.


Game Boys are pretty hardy bastards, I've yet to break something that a resolder or sticky tape couldn't fix.

You'll feel like a pro engineer. Promise.

^This^.  If you are unsure of your modding skills, go to a dollar store and buy a cheap kids toy or keyboard or something.  Desolder a bunch of points then resolder them and see if it still works.  That way you get a little practice.  But even if you don't do that, a backlight and a prosound are both easy.  That will be just 5 solder points on the board.  And if you do it yourself, you'll know how to fix it if it breaks.  If you pay to have it done, and it breaks, you'll be lost.

This is the interwebs.  Typos are legal.  I've seen much worse grammar/spelling issues than saying barley instead of barely.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

There's a lot of good artists posting in here...  Any of you guys willing to do a piece in Adobe Illustrator on an artboard that is 40"x10"?  Willing to pay a little bit but we can negotiate that..  PM me?


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

i thought this thread was going to be about about getting high.

Kayaking while high.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Im_A_Track_Man wrote:

Thanks anyway.

Someone else might be able to do it but I'm not that good at soldering or patient.

Downstate wrote:

probably you fucked up the flappy bit at the bottom of the screen

Love this description.  No joke.  I try to sound more intelligent when on forums but in real life, this is exactly how I talk.

b4by f4c3 wrote:

If i mess up this next one ill def send you two todo for me but these tips are great so hopefully they will work for me haha

EDIT: three

Sounds good...  Just try to leave the LCD as flat as possible.  Just use thumb and index and just slowly peel a tiny bit at a time.  It's easy, just tedious.

LEDs are so today.  You should go old school and replace all the LEDs with incandescent bulbs.  There will more power consumption but it'll look cooler.

You should show hi-res pictures of the circuit board.  Maybe someone can pick out the problem that way.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

If its a hi-res camera and it still comes out blurry, hold the camera further from the subject and zoom in. Some cameras won't focus if you're too close...

As for the damage to those boards, I wouldn't be able to fix any of them or finding it worth it to try.

If you don't trust yourself to do another one, I'll do it for free but you'll have to pay for shipping both ways so I doubt that'll be worth it for you.  I've done it for others but some people don't trust themselves at all so it's worth it for them.

I do it pretty much the same way as Timbob.  And go really slow.