This seems fun. Will probably be unable to make it though sad


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

Going into fanboy mode:

I, Cactus has seriously been some of my favorite chip stuff for the past few years just based on the 8bp release. This new track is out of control, man. Please come play a show in Phoenix or Los Angeles soon.

Goddamn, lineup keeps getting better and better. Fuck being poor!


(28 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Yeah to be honest, using other mods or Midi files or what not is pretty lazy but really, I've transcribed some video game songs by ear to 100% accuracy, and fuck that. There was one time I had a great idea for a cover of an NES song (can't remember which), I spent a lot of time tracking out the song, figuring out each note...There was some pretty complicated shit going on in the song and I know nothing of music theory or anything so the only way I could really do this was export each track to WAV, open up the individual tracks, loop each and every note until I could match it with whatever tracker I was using. By the time I got the song tracked out, whatever inspiration I'd had to turn it into something interesting was completely gone, and thus, it was a complete waste of time.


(28 replies, posted in Audio Production)

There are a lot of fairly accurate MOD/IT/XM/S3M video game covers out the past I've opened those up in Modplug and used them for reference in doing video game covers. I try not to do that anymore because it's totally fucking cheating, but it also saves a lot of time and usually ends up creating the same result as doing it by ear, as long s the module is accurate. Midis are also useful for this.


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:

I strongly disagree with this!
If you share your work you may seek connection with peers and communication, not exactly attention.
Attention is "look at me, look at me, look at me", and noting else!
There are far more options and situations in regards of music sharing than what you describe, which is tremendously narrow!
What is it that you  studied?

Your definition of the word 'attention' is more a definition of the phrase 'attention whore'. Sharing your work to seek connection or communication with peers is still trying to get the attention of others. If you weren't interested in other people paying some form of attention to your music, regardless of your motivation, then you simply wouldn't release it to the public.

And I don't know why this is really a bad thing. I mean, why do people play shows? And when playing a show, do you want to play to a crowd (regardless of size), or no one at all? There are obvious attention whores who will do anything to get people to pay attention to them, but I think any artist who releases music desires some form of attention, otherwise they'd just be making music for themselves to enjoy and not share with anyone else.


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Regardless of whether or not one likes I Fight Dragons, you can't deny that they worked to get to where they are. Record contracts do not just fall into peoples laps. They took their band seriously, toured a lot, made some pretty smart decisions, and now they're able to dedicate even more of their time to doing what they love because they have the support of a label. I say congrats to them. I'm not a huge fan of their music but some of the stuff I've heard is alright. At least it's not Crystal Castles wink


(18 replies, posted in Audio Production)

All I can say is this, I mixed guitar and chiptune once, put about fifteen minutes total into the production of the track, and a bunch of people shit their pants with joy. Ok, not really, but it seemed a lot of people liked it. Listen: … y_Away.mp3

Aside from writing the actual chiptune, that song took about ten minutes to record and like I said, maybe fifteen minutes to play around with the EQ and volume of the chip and guitar. The guitar tracks (two tracks hard panned) were recorded clean and then processed with some basic 'metal distortion' setting in Amplitube 2. It should also be noted that I recorded it using a very shitty Squier guitar, I think one of the lowest models you can get actually.

The reason I bring all this up (aside from shameless self promotion) is because sometimes it's a good idea not to over think things. Just play with the EQ and volume until you find the sound that is desirable to you, then take note of those settings and use them in future recordings as a reference point. I don't think there is really a right or wrong way to do stuff like this.

When you consider how much great music came out last year, there isn't really any way to make a 'top 5' list without leaving out a ton of amazing stuff. It all comes down to this list. The thing I like about these particular top 5s is that one is written by someone who is quite knowledgeable about chip music (Zen Albatross), and then the other is written by someone who knows a bit about it but only to a certain level (Audun). It gives two completely different perspectives.

My advice: befriend someone who has the album. It worked for me. AND IT'S FUCKING GREAT!

This show was nuts. Turn out was great despite being on a Thursday night, I don't think that place could've handled too many more people. EvilWezil's set was fuckin' TIGHT. And my set was probably the best I've done thus far, 100% fuck up free!

I also heard that The Silph Scope played and that it was pretty good, I unfortunately was stuck in traffic so I didn't get to experience that. Sorry sad

Geno (the dude who set it up) was talking about the possibility of more shows like this in the future, but hopefully at a bigger place. With so much talent in the LA area, I imagine there will be many more rad shows like this to come!

No Glomag on either lists? What the fuck. He put out two great EPs last year, at least one of them should've made it. Your opinion is inferior to my opinion.

Yeah the date kind of sucks. When this show was initially offered to me they were trying to do it on the 20th, I have no idea why it got moved to Thursday. The dude from GM4A that set it up is a really awesome guy, I just don't think he has too much experience doing shows, otherwise he'd know that attendance tends to be a bit higher when you have a show on a Saturday night, NOT THURSDAY tongue


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I seem to remember Saskrotch (I think?) doing a pretty useful triplet tutorial on that other site a few months back. I could totally be talking out of my ass though.

Simplify your tables as much as possible. For instance, my snare table used to look like this:
0 S01

and then either an H command looping to 4 or a K command at the bottom. I noticed quite of my Snares being skipped in the noise channel, so I started setting the shape of my noise instrument at F0 in the instrument screen, and removing the S01 command from the table. Seems to work better.

I also once read that placing each command in your tables one step below (like in the example above, have the SFE take place on 4 instead of 3, and if using the S01 command it would start on 1, not 0) helps a bit. I've used this method and I agree, it does seem to help slightly for some reason.

So yeah, I'm pretty much totally not going. In my two days of spamming my CD to try and raise up the money to get out there, I've sold nothing. In order to get the cheapest Greyhound tickets I'd need to purchase really soon, plus they're limited anyway, I assume due to people going to SXSW. Ah well, perhaps next year.