Augh! Well, thanks for the answer bleo, prof.
17 Mar 27, 2015 10:12 pm
Re: midibastl tempo sync daisy chain: is it possible? (15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
18 Mar 26, 2015 4:21 am
Re: midibastl tempo sync daisy chain: is it possible? (15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
But how would it work if I insisted on using an mG?
19 Mar 24, 2015 4:39 pm
Re: midibastl tempo sync daisy chain: is it possible? (15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
The microgranny isn't click synced, at least not on it's own, so
...but is the click signal still effective if I were splitting it with a passive mixer in order to feed into 3 devices? Wouldn't it lose amplitude?
20 Mar 24, 2015 3:58 pm
Topic: midibastl tempo sync daisy chain: is it possible? (15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
I don't really have anything from bastl, but I'm picturing this setup in my head:
A copy of lsdj with a click track panned to one side connects to a midibastl and acts as master sync.
From there, the midibastl connects to a micro granny, but also relays the click track forward to a korg volca; who's OUT relays the same click track to a Pocket Operator. How far off am I from reality? Or is this easily possible? The midi bastl only has so many jacks (I'd have to add some), and the description doesn't make it clear how exactly you go about configuring which connections are inputs and which are outputs. I'm not much of an arduino hacker, so I'm unsure as to the limitations of the programmable interface.
The reason I prefer this to using an arduinoboy, is because this leaves lsdj free to function in keyboard mode, giving me direct control over one of the channels. Any help would be appreciated.
21 Feb 18, 2015 12:36 pm
Re: Custom Content Cartridge (noob) (16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
up to date?
What does that even mean? It's not like Nintendo pushed a Game Boy update that blocked some of the flashcarts. If you know that you can load it from Mac/Android, then you have the ability to read the forum for any possible problems you might encounter.
22 Feb 18, 2015 3:39 am
Re: FM Sunvox Competition (9 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Man, I'd love to participate but I suck at sunvox. No way I could do an FM track in a week. Thanks for sharing it here, though! I don't check the warmplace forums nearly enough.
23 Feb 13, 2015 3:37 am
Re: Remixers Wanted For Chip-influenced Game OST (34 replies, posted in Collaborations)
I'll do something.
24 Feb 12, 2015 5:11 pm
Re: Lain2097 "Digital vomit" hard distorted w/ glitchy (4 replies, posted in Releases)
So good
25 Feb 12, 2015 4:17 am
Re: bennvenn cart first impression (13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
26 Feb 11, 2015 4:55 am
Re: bennvenn cart first impression (13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Xuriik wrote:I can see this replacing the EMS USB as the next beginner level cart, it's nice so many people are into it. I'm probably getting one myself.
IDK, when you could buy 2 64M carts and a flasher for 15$ less than one derp cart, it might almost take over as the cart to have.
Except for those paranoid about losing their savs to a dead battery. FRAM must be very reassuring.
driverless USB
Edit: Even on non-BennVenn carts? Even for backing up commercial game cart saves??
27 Feb 11, 2015 4:48 am
Re: Radlib's **FREE** OPL3 LAPTOP GIVEAWAY !! WINNERS CHOSEN !! (62 replies, posted in Trading Post)
28 Feb 11, 2015 4:38 am
Re: SNES Tracker (22 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Hey, you've got your own domain, you're a few steps ahead of the curve! I can't say whether or not the goal is really too high, because it depends on your project goals and to-do list. The thing with midiNES is that people really like their tangible, hardware stuff.
Either way, I'm very interested, and would compile it and play with it if I was working on OSX. I'd be willing to donate a modest amount to a kickstarter no matter what, but if you really woo us with those rewards I might put in more. You can do rare/nice samplepacks, physical documentation, get a designer to make some art for stickers/shirts, maybe an album of snes music made using your software as it currently is? Hell, I'd contribute a song towards that as soon as I can play with even the most early build of this tracker. As for other reward ideas, well, why not some pimped up SNES's+flashcart combos (You can play spc's on hardware, right?) at the highest reward tiers? They're not that hard to source and could really boost the hype. And, again, tangible stuff.
Software idea: Sample importing needs to be as simple as can be, like, drag and drop. Maybe even integrate a recording feature so they can be sent straight from line-in straight into the software, and then chopped up/reversed, etc.
Your project is great, and the way you're documenting the process on a blog and youtube is really nice. You really should enlist the help of at least one more person, for design, promotion, administration, and such purposes; getting crowdfunded is hard work! Having some funds to start with would probably be a good idea. Best of luck on this and your job hunt!
29 Feb 11, 2015 3:37 am
Re: bennvenn cart first impression (13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I can see this replacing the EMS USB as the next beginner level cart, it's nice so many people are into it. I'm probably getting one myself.
30 Feb 6, 2015 6:27 pm
Re: LSDJ; sequencing questions. (18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
An arpeggio is a broken chord, it's basically what you can do with the C command. Using the TSP(transpose) column on a table, you can greatly expand the capabilities of your arpeggios to include more than 3 notes, the order they play in, etc. Like this:
00 -00 0B -00
04 -00 00 -00
07 -00 OR 07 -00
0A -00 00 -00
00 H00 03 -00
00 H00
Tremolo, Gating, and Ducking are pretty easy to just do a search on, so I'm just gonna let you find out about that stuff on your own. Do play with the tables Dire Hit and I posted. Take your time, I just wanted you to know that you don't HAVE to lock each table to an instrument, they can be used independently. It helps to look at tables like expanded command columns.
31 Feb 6, 2015 5:34 am
Re: LSDJ; sequencing questions. (18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds) a one time use deal whereas making commands and such adjustments in the table make it a permanent part of that particular instrument, is that correct?
Not necessarily. Since there's the A command, you can create a table and use it in the phrase screen, independent of the instrument, and in a few different situations. This is useful for tremolo and other volume modulation tricks like what I said about note release; complex arpeggios (Seventh chords or more? Falling notes instead of rising?); and even pulse channel pwm or simulating effects like noise gate or ducking.
Roboctopus' LSDJ and You is really helpful for this, and all the mind blowing things you can do with the wav channel.
A couple of chip artists have released their save files and stuff so I'd go check those out.
This one brought some mostly new techniques to the table AND brings both a sav and a helpful pdf talking about them!
32 Feb 4, 2015 1:18 am
Re: LSDJ; sequencing questions. (18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
199X already gave a pretty great and straightforward answer, but I wanted to add my own thoughts:
Having a single phrase per chain is wasteful IMO; and it's generally more useful to have a few phrases per chain so that you can easily repeat sections of your song. So you'd want to organize your 4 part loop into a single chain in order to easily repeat it later, yes. I mostly put 3 or 4 phrases on each chain, except for transition, pause, or drum fill sections, which sometimes get their own, 1 phrase chains.
However, this depends on your style, if you like to introduce a lot of variation bar per bar, then maybe single-phrase chains are for you. if your bpm is really fast or your bars are really long, you might want to stick a lot more phrases into each chain to stay organized.
For silence, it's the most common practice to just use an empty phrase. Some people use the 7F chain, I personally use 00, because I associate it with nothing, and thus silence. Unless you get in the habit of using a table/E command to gradually release steady-envelope instruments, an additional empty chain with a K at the beginning is helpful. (Note that you can kill an instrument from the last step of the phrase before by using K06 (On the default groove); which will delay a kill 6 ticks forward and into the following chain.) You can also use B+Select on the song screen to mute a channel, and/or Select+Start to stop an individual channel in Live Mode. There are other methods of getting silence, like the VOL column on tables, or M/O commands; but that's just counter intuitive if all you want is silence.
Your assumptions on question 3 are all correct. Yes, the sensible thing is to have each row on the song screen have the same chain length, but that can start to change when you start playing with polyrythms, H commands, alternate grooves, and other stuff. It doesn't REALLY matter where the arrows are if it's properly managed, but it's a visual aid to have them all lined up. Play with Live Mode to get a feel for what happens when they're not synced up!
Sounds like you pretty much got the hang of it, best of luck!