i made fifteen bucks off selling a single track to godinpants.
bought some killer vinyls with that money.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Chainsaw Police
i made fifteen bucks off selling a single track to godinpants.
bought some killer vinyls with that money.
Well-done low poly count models make me want to cry in jealousy and pick up Maya or Blender again. Nice works, man!
Been listening to this album for ages on repeat, drawn a lot of my inspiration from it. Keep it up!
Nu-uh, not until we make 100 inside jokes.
Been using Reason a fair bit lately to create some individual samples, but never had ther patience to chain together a full track. Thanks for the site though!
You look like a dick, you dick.
Big boy words
God damnit
Okay,I'm just gonna be totally honest, but I laughed my arse off as soon as the incredibly feedback-ish squeals kicked in.
Try making them cleaner, add some low end? My mate plays a lot of terrible death-thrash-metal-core stuff, and the screaming sounds a load cleaner, but still gritty
Also, is the album called Noisebox or Noisechannel?
Wait, music by other artists... Are these covers? Because if not, I'm sure you're violating the artists' permissions or some shit.
Sorry! I didn't know it was in active development. Maybe a placeholder or 'under construction' page would have been nice. Because without knowing that it was actually under construction, how was I to know that that wasn't the final site?
You can;t expect me to instinctively know whether or not the site is final or a work-in-progress without any hinting whatsoever. Cut me some slack
I see the site now (it looks finished to me), and I think the album covers are waaaay too big and sometimes inconsistent. The first and third covers are huge, but the second cover is decently sized. There's the blue <a>...</a> border around the header (consider wrapping it in a div, and that div making all the <a> elements have no link styling through CSS, I guess. My web dev knowledge is a littler sketchy), and the spacing between each post is terribly inconsistent - the spacing between the first two posts is minimal, while the spacing between the second and third posts is unecessarily long.
If this is the final site, then I think you should consider working on it a little more.
However, if it's not finished, put up an Under Construction placeholder page to inform people that the site isn't ready yet.
I can't see shit, the top of the site is totally chopped off, I can barely see the top of the cover art for the "Buttpoop" EP, the background is TERRIBLE , and i have to scroll across to the right in order to view the actual site. Come on.
I'm just gonna skip the song and tell you to learn how to take criticism. Not everything's gonna go your way, and you just have to accept that. Besides, you yourself asked for criticism!
If your tune doesn't sound good to others, then you don't need to take it to heart. It's criticism, not a rulebook. Learn from it, follow the guidance people are offering, and just don't get all up-in-arms over something you asked for.
My first songs were terrible, and I was kinda lucky to have an asshole on the line telling me what I did wrong, instead of sugar-coating the situation and telling me that it just "needs work in a few spots".
Just chill!
skrillex is popular, people like him. if those people that called you the skrillex of chiptune, liked skrillex, then it was a compliment.
it's not that hard, really
Recently I had my first live show at a demoparty, and my parents came along (as did my mate and sister). They had no idea what to expect, as I never really show them my music.
After my set, my parents were stoked at the music (as well as my performance). They were buzzing on the way home constantly, talking about how cool the music was (not just mario-at-a-rave responses, either).
After trying to purchase and post some chip stuff across the world for the last few months, only to have my parents completely clock off my communication with postage (it's useless, I wish you'd get off that gameboy, uhruhghrhu), they suddenly realised how much it meant to me and are extremely supportive of my chiptune endeavours now - giving me cash to buy a cart or bit of gear, organising stuff with the promoters and organisers for gigs and acting as my manager, and even letting me fly down to Melbourne for the next Soundbytesby myself for "however long it's on for".
(also they asked if I wanted an expensive top-of-the-range computer of my choice to write music with to replace my broken netbook. I on't need it for chip, but it would be nice...)
What does your family and your close friends think of chip music and your involvement with it?
Wow, i thougt there would be more people playing retro video games massivly in this community.
Nope, I barely touch any of my old hardware unless I find a way to make it musical! (or I find a really great game for it)
But that's just me
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Chainsaw Police