(17 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

My mate uses Garageband to create chipmusic.
Try looking up a Gameboy soundfont and use that


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

TraceKaiser wrote:

Could you give me an example of some values? Slightly confused by some of the language you've used haha

This is the exact kick I use whenever I have free space in the wave channel (which is almost never).

http://brkbrkbrk.com/patch/patch.php?ty … e&id=7

Make sure to play it at around C5 or C6 to get the best results.
If you want something a bit more powerful (a la thrash or any other aggressive style), play it at C7 or C8 - C9 could work too.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Create a wave channel kick with a sine waveform. pitch bend it as you would any other pulse kick

I'll definitely send you something soon!

You can do the Christmas mix dos! I'll wait until the week after for mine tongue


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That looks like a member of the RPG Tsukuru/RPG Maker line of tools!
Oh man, I have such fond memories of RPG Maker 2k...

Hey celsius, I'll send mine off tonight, and it should all be ready for next week, yeah?


(12 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Thanks a heap man! I've been hoping for a Kool Skull SAV for ages, and now I can find out what makes your stuff more frash than mine.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SKGB wrote:

that reminds me, Me, Chipocrite, An0va, Animalstyle and whoever else wants to join in were considering creating a gameboy orchestra.

I'm up for that!


(8 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)


You're bound to find something in here.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SKGB wrote:

play chiptunes in an academic setting, you will get mad bitchezzzzzzzzz

I did this once.

One dude thought I was holding an iPod in a Gameboy casing. Another thought it was a DS.


But hey, it got me decent marks on my report card.


(5 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Whoa, nice!
I'll have to take a look at this soon!!!


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Frostbyte wrote:

Ah, basically I just opened up the file and everything is corrupted and messed up. Phrase 99s, tempo keeps going to 40 and whatnot. All kinds of crazy stuff. All my other tracks are good to go though

That happens to me.
I used to get phrase 3As and 40 tempo as well. Basically, if not too much is corrupted, you can fix it all up manually.

Also, because the 3A/99 phrases are empty, running a quick Clear Song Data from LSDJ should clear them right off.

I thought LSDJ phrases only went up to 7F...


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Frostbyte wrote:

the only things worth it are prosound and backlight.

I never use my prosound out. It has clipping issues, and it's in fact quieter than the regular headphone out.

Backlights are the only useful mod IMO. everything else is just stupid and borderline useless.


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Crooked Sidewalks wrote:

something as Avante-Garde as chiptune.


Yeah sure, I could do it!