I provide the ability to press CDs at no cost to you,

I give you to ability to produce whatever style you feel like you could write some chip one day, some DnB the next - it's all up to you!

I don't take any of your sales profits.

You can either sell or put your releases up for free (I don't know if this is unique or whatever).

TraceKaiser wrote:

Out of interest, how are the CDs going to be viable, if you're paying for them, but take no money from them?

My parents are loaded.
Plus, I know a guy that can get me somewhat industry-grade materials for cheap. Which is half of why I decided to start this label idea

TraceKaiser wrote:

Also, labels that aren't exclusively chip are cool. BUT, there really needs to be some kinda common thread running through the artists you have signed, so your label has an actual identity.

You make a good point.

Apricorn wrote:

iruehjflknjhbuguighu some more people should be on this netlabel

Recently I've been thinking about starting up a netlabel for any style of music, from electronic to acoustic, punk to orchestral, and so on.
I'm looking for artists to sign, either for a few albums/EPs, or more.

I've so far signed four artists and one band, with genres such as rock, chill, ambience, hip-hop, punk and chip.
I'm looking at going diverse and not limiting the label to a particular genre, style, or movement - electronic or not.

Basically, if you sign, your music will be released via the label digitally, either for money, or for free.
I'm also giving every artist the option to release all or some of their stuff on CDs (fancy jewel case, high-qual glossy prints, etc).

I haven't got a site up yet, but the actual downloading and buying will take place via the Bandcamp platform. Everything else (release pages, browsing releases and artists) will be on a separate site.

You can choose the prices of your music (you can give it away for free, if you like), and you will choose whether or not you want to get CDs produced.
This will all cost you nothing. I won't take any cuts from your sales.

You can drop out any time and remove your music from the label whenever you please.

I'm trying to give as much freedom to the artists as possible, while still delivering a fun and useful exerience.

Anybody interested?


(7 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

there's just something incredibly awesome about seeing a pretty awesome studio setup behind a five year old's pastel-coloured butterfly toy.

Can I send one in tonight?

Do you want it in WAV, MP3, or (my personal fave) OGG?

akira^8GB wrote:

created by someone that truly cares about us musicians and our fedback.


Linking to kitsch-bent: sign of the times.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Damn! I have an atomic purple GBC I wanna get rid of (No battery cover tho).
If anybody else wants it, hit me up on [email protected]


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TraceKaiser wrote:

Let's all just cover Song Of Storms from OoT and be done with it


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


open a terminal,
cd to the directory with the ems-flasher executable
sudo cp ems-flasher /usr/bin

now you can run the EMS Flasher just by running 'ems-flasher <args>' from any terminal, instead of cding to the proper directory and running './ems-flasher <args>'


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

mikeryan, i want your children

i'll see if i an whip up a quick gui for it later

celsius wrote:

For anyone interested Batch 1, cart 1.



(8 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

I'd like one for the header of my site.
Something looking really cliche, but readable.

Also, a nice background image would be nice. Something glitchy that would look cool if it was constantly tiled.

SWorry if I'm being too vague. I can specify whatever else you want if you ask smile


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Glitch Militia wrote:

Is that a compliment smile ?
