
(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I just read comments to a blog that generated a similar marketing discussion except that site was about "regular" music (you can stop laughing now, I will edit and add the link to it later) and I have to admit that this thread has way more substance, but most of you have failed or refused to answer the OP's question.

My download figures are skewed because my releases are on archive.org and I don't trust its site hit counter; but I thank everyone for the downloads all the same.

On a Rainy Day outdit my first release's download count on its first weekend, and surpassed a thousand downloads on the archive.org counter very quickly, but has since cooled. In reality, I think that's more like a hundred downloads or so. You may compare that to Release Zero's 700ish in one year, which is probably more like 70.

Release Zero also had pay versions, though, because it was an RPM Project which requires a physical unit be sent in. I sold four at the only show I played. I have one full album pay download through CD baby and a half dozen single track downloads from Amazon, iTunes, etc; all for the track Geocache.

Does that mean I have to make a thousand tunes that sound like Geocache? I certainly hope not.

Laugh at the big gulf between freebies and sales if you want; the fact is, I just wanted to see what would happen. I don't have enough reputation to put a price tag on my music, and to be honest my most scarce commodity is time.

I maintain a partial interest in marketing for the sake of reaching listeners but otherwise, I'm weary of it. I have a job that usually makes me happy, and that's something to keep in mind as you plan your career- as already mentioned, music is way too much work and stress (and sometimes expense) to hate the result, so make sureyou like what you're doing first and foremost.

I'd like to add that I think 10k officially understands how indie music works. Even if he doesn't make your kind of music, his bullet points should be commited to memory, because they are the word of (insert name of favorite diety here, or substitute "10k" if you are an atheist).

Finally, if you are unhappy with the quality of releases, please counter it with high quality releases of your own (and vocal endorsement of others' high quality releases) and before you know it, there will be lots of good new music all around you.

There is no formula for success, which lies in the eye of the beholder, and nothing is perfect, so you can only do what's best for yourself.

akira^8GB wrote:

I don't call my music with the name of whatever instrument I used to make it hmm There's no "guitar music".

[Not] to be devil's advocate, but why is it called "chip music" then?


(0 replies, posted in Releases)

http://cedtm.wordpress.com/2010/05/15/c … rainy-day/

On a Rainy Day takes the listener from the home you can’t wait to leave to the dangerous place you can’t wait to return from, using a blend of tracker samples, virtual synths and blips, and a 12-string acoustic guitar. This was mixed and mastered in its entirety on Renoise version 2.5.

Sorry this isn't as "chippy" as Release Zero but I hope some of you like it anyway.


(32 replies, posted in Audio Production)


The good news is I have one.  The bad news is that I didn't read your city entry before I posted that picture.  Perhaps we should wait a week or so to see if you find one a little closer to your home first.


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Looking for one of these specifically?

My starting instrument depends on the project, and in fact, starting from different instruments is how I try to introduce variety in my work.

More often than not, I'm just using the qwerty keys of the tracker.  The samples may or may not be tuned correctly.

Other times, I've used a chinese 12-string guitar (mine has a pickup glued to the soundhole):

Or the easy sequencer+faux kaoss pad of DS-10:


(20 replies, posted in Audio Production)

If you only mean the bass sound, it's the moog.  A minimoog can sound like that by itself, no effects, no pedals, no modifications.  If he wasn't able to tweak the filter setting as he played, he may have had his assistant plug in a ribbon controller.


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think it's sampled from the notes of a videogame intro, this is just messed-up little kid reggaeton.

I would like to publicly thank the people that have purchased of my music.

I do not advertise this unless asked but I made one album on cdbaby/iTunes/Amazon simply because I wanted to ensure that I have music available in every place that someone may look for it.  (That is, I know people that refuse to get music from anywhere except iTunes, etc.)  CDBaby have you sign over a non-exclusive right to distribute your music digitally, but since it is non-exclusive, you retain the right to have others distribute your music as well.  It becomes your responsibility to avoid redundancy and not six different companies $30 a year to have your stuff all carried in the same store anyway.

To illustrate:
http://www.amazon.com/Release-Zero/dp/B … amp;sr=8-1

...and it's in iTunes, Spotify, the Nokia/Ovi Music Store, Lala, rhapsody, tradebit, last.fm, Napster,...  I'm sure I missed a service here or there.


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

One of the fake cartoon interviews from Demon Days has Murdoc saying that Gorillaz is about "dark optimism, whatever that is."

You remember me, don't you?

Chicago sold their fake cows at auction.  It wouldn't surprise me if the cows in other cities came from there.

Multi-instrumentalist leaning towards keys and synths, classically taught pianist, strongly influenced by fusion jazz and progressive rock, former Berklee College of Music student.

Learned to program synths and sequencers before learning to track.

I think of the Mac OS bings, bongs, and sosumis...  and the Sega Master System/Mark III jingle which turned into "Seee-gaaa"...


(17 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

If you're comfortable with working with the ICs and have another C64 with sound that works, you can swap the ICs from their sockets.  I turned four dead C64s into two working ones in that way.