(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

DKSTR wrote:

Can I have knob for pitch and midi-in at the same time?

Yes, that's definitely doable!

DKSTR wrote:

Another possibility is maybe to use Arduino for bending something (I have Casio PT-100 lying around pretty useless), is that possible/easy enough for dude who has only knowledge of basic bending?

Yes, this sounds like a good idea. You could use the arduino to control a bunch of relays or 4066 switch chips (electronically controlled switches) to make/break bending connections.

I have two Windows CE devices that I am able to run Sunvox on. Besides that, there's Phoenix Studio (rebirth-like acid kind of deal), but I don't know how they perform on these netbooks.

EDIT: It seems like some of them are able to run Android


(49 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

And since when was a limited sound palette a problem? smile

*blasts YM2413 drums + piano*


(22 replies, posted in Atari)

Pressure cooker!

Tracksuit tracker


(16 replies, posted in Collaborations)

There, now I'm in, too smile


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have at least 10-15 friends who listen to or casually enjoy chip music without ever being involved with the chip/demoscene. I think that the suggested ratios of 5:1 or 37:1 or whatever are still too small, although my guess is as taken out of the blue as the others.

Joe has pretty an awesome dithering style:


(224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Video is unavailable :S

Should I be interested in creating a work of art if i don't understand the theory behind it entirely?

Yes, I think most beautiful works of art come from a combination of experience and intuition, and not so often deliberate explorations of technical theory.

how many of you guys create music purely from ear?

I doubt anyone does (although I recommend trying!). You will always build up a set of concepts, ideas and patterns from just making music (you probably do it intuitively and subconsciously) that you will come back to when you're composing the next time. If you are a human, you will analyze and theorize about most everything you do whether you want to or not.

what do I do about the anxiety of being imperfect?

Take some time to realize that nothing is perfect. What makes a song perfect for you? Also keep in mind that imperfections can highlight beauty.

EDIT: I think we need to define what "purely from ear" means. Literally speaking, it makes no sense of course, but I think that InactiveX and I are a few steps apart in our definitions. What I meant to say is that there's always some knowledge you build upon when creating music (or kicking balls), whether you read it in some book, heard it, found out by practice or were inspired by something else. I don't really believe in ultimate originality, and there's no such thing as making something up out of the blue, which I'm sure InactiveX will agree with. Just so that's clear smile

I guess that InactiveX interpreted the question more like "how many of you guys create music purely by intuition?" while my own interpretation was really too literal to be of any use at all.


(98 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Neil Baldwin's Pulsar

Sounds like a low budget sci-fi series


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)



This rocks! I wish my computer corner was as beige.

No MIDI in with DOSBox yet, by the looks of it: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.ph … tid=467235.


(58 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Fruityloops preset

get started!


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Haha, that's cute, firebrandboy


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)
