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Topics by Victory Road
Posts found: 241-256 of 1,430
Cooshinator wrote:I'd think this style would be kinda painful to listen to but you pulled it off really well and it's super enjoyable.
yeah, sometimes i'm like "oh man this is dumb people will think this is dumb why do i like playing music like this", but whatever, i have fun! i'm glad you found it enjoyable!
Falling For A Square wrote:Well done! xo

thank you, fine people :>
i'm think i'm pretty happy with the response to this!
^ if you don't get around to it, a properly free version will be available in a week or so (won't have bonus stuff tho)
"Victory Road's self-titled not-debut is an EP of explosive pop punk chiptune anthems made with a game boy. It's all about rocking the fuck out and pretending you're a dumb teenager again.
Bonus content includes LSDJ .sav files containing all 5 songs on this EP, the best tracks from the first EP, the only surviving track from the second EP, and some cool unreleased/unfinished stuff and live mode jams. Fun and excitement!"
yep, a self-titled not-debut. LSDJ + vocals! this is a link!
Cipher_Punk wrote:I am not opposed to buying albums from you all; I mostly just wanted to be sure I had permissions to use them. Of course, free is always better. 
name zero as your price and it's free 
but i've made mine properly free now, and you have my express permission to use the songs for it for any noncommercial purpose you like. have at it!
sleepytimejesse wrote:I actually have an album of music inspired by Minecraft. Totally feel free to use it however you like.
me too!
magic the gathering thread
i did a song like this about 5 years ago
needless to say, it sounds the same in reverse.
i've been spending some time learning to pitch mine properly by hand/ear cause it sounds cool and you don't hear violinists complain that they don't have a frets :v
it's much easier with a stylus! also, you might need to calibrate the pitch range so that it matches the keyboard more precisely (turn the little screw at the back).
if you want .mp3 files then record the songs from the gameboy output into the line-in on your computer 
audacity is fine for that i guess!
if you want to back up the saves on osx then these threads are full of handy info:
ALSO if you're just starting out you can run LSDJ just fine on a lot of emulators and then not have to worry about recording with cables or cart driver issues or even buying carts at all!
Ateno wrote:Haha, Victory Road you still want to jump in with a different Poke'mon?
i don't know if i like any other pokemon enough to write a track based on them :<
but i'll do one for meowth cause i like cats i guess!
does it make a lick of difference if you're panned like 9 o'clock / 3 o'clock instead of hard L/R?
i mean on stage, not at the desk
thanks for your contribution
katsumbhong wrote:Isn't the purpose of a university assignment for you to do the research instead of asking people for answers?
yea good 1 m8
for real though, googling "history of chipmusic" brings up lots of very helpful stuff on the very first page, including this article with a full list of citations 
Posts found: 241-256 of 1,430 / Forums / Posts by Victory Road