
(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

yes i will also pick up 5 black shells wink

it needs to sound more trashy and deliberate


(70 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sx0 on noise channel is equivalent to octaves up (10-70) or down (F0-80), afaik.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Didn't you already make this thread?


(21 replies, posted in Audio Production)

if you have a mixer then that should make sound quality a lot more manageable. shouldn't have a whole lot to worry about.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hipster cred i suppose
the label would be running at a loss on these so it's obviously just a PR exercise
nothing to get mad about though


(42 replies, posted in Trading Post)

just took a tape measure to myself and now i'm fairly confident that the M would be okay but if it's really too small then i can give it to my girlfriend whose jumpers i wear worryingly often anyway tongue


(21 replies, posted in Audio Production)

if it's just a house party nobody's gonna notice or care how it sounds in terms of tone and clarity tbh.

but yeah hopefully it's a bass amp, and hopefully you're running prosound!


(42 replies, posted in Trading Post)

dead set out of L? bummer!
i could probably squeeze into a medium and still look shit hot, though


(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Here you go! http://www.mediafire.com/?bj70apz93fcasb5

contains mt-18, mt-100, mt-500, mt-800, pt-1, pt-82, rapman, rz-1 and sk-1 single hit drum samples.
if anyone knows or finds the original source for these please let us know!


(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

a couple years back i found a pack which had samples of a bunch of casio drums (incl. sk-1, rapman and rz-1 samples). can't find the source anywhere online, is anybody interested in a reupload?


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

can you not even switch menus or move down lists one press at a time? like, it's definitely not a key delay/repeat issue?


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Aeros wrote:
12ianma wrote:

Try reading the sram off of the cart and opening that in virtual boy after you load up the rom. The rom image is lsdj, the songs are the save data.

ahahahahah oh my god

hahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha wow he made a typo holy crap what an IDIOT

(the joke is that he's not really an idiot and it's not a big deal or funny or anything)

gooby pls

okaaay cool. slept on this and read this second page and i have a lot to think about! i will probably be raising the frequency and quality of variation (track gets boring after less than 2 mins = bad sign) and making that kick softer but there'a still a lot of things that won't really change. anything i change about this will probably propagate through the rest of the songs in one way or another.

leaving this open for comments but i'm pretty sure i've got everything i need. thanks everyone, i'm surprised how un-brutal your brutal honesty was!

okay well i'm gonna be honest here: the title was basically a ruse to get people to look at the thread and i'm really asking if people dig the overall tonality and if they'd bare 20+ minutes of it. but i totally appreciate your advice and the sentiment!

admittedly, i feel like i'm a bit of an online attention whore, and while i can understand the merit of sticking to your artistic guns i love hearing exactly what people think about what i'm doing and finding ways to compromise without really compromising. horses for courses!