Feel free to use anything from here

Man, this makes me realize how long it's been since I've listened to the real bona-fide "classics" of chipmusic. Gonna buy this and then give it another 50 spins.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Have you tried pressing Start on the Gameboy and then pressing keys? If i remember correctly the sequencer has to be running for any sound to come out.

Man, I can't wait to see what people can do with this.

Alpine wrote:
chunter wrote:

Free as in liberty,
Free as in beer,
Free! as in swim team.

I've been putting off watching Free! because I want to watch it all in one go after it's aired. Going to make a drinking game out of it.
For those of whom who have seen any of it, how would I go about doing this? I don't want to watch it, and plan it in advance, because it won't be a fun surprise.

It's only 2 episodes in so there aren't enough recurring actions to make a full drinking game yet, but so far you could have

[Do something] whenever:
Haruka starts taking off his clothes
Shot of someone's upper body with sparkles
Rin has shark teeth
Someone misreads Kou's name as Gou


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I feel basically the same way as Bryface, except I'm probably not as protective of my "alter ego". My IRL circle of friends knows me almost only as Vincent, and my larger circle of friends knows me as both that and my artist name, but I'm basically the same. It actually makes me slightly uncomfortable having friends I see everyday call me by my artist name.


(45 replies, posted in Releases)

I used 4n2c-gzpb.


(42 replies, posted in Releases)

Actually pretty nice! Also looking forward to a second compo.


(45 replies, posted in Releases)

Absolutely absolutely marvelous.


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

Cool! What program did you use to sequence the midi?

Can't wait!!!

Cooshinator wrote:

Sunvox isn't sample based

It can be if you want it to.

PianoGameboy wrote:

I mean, can you really say that Bud Melvin and Electric Children are the same genre?

One of my biggest peeves is when people lump together entirely different genres just because they used the same medium and assume that it all sounds the same.
I've gotten a few more friends into chip recently by starting them off with The J. Arthur Keenes Band, Anamanaguchi, and the like, and working from that towards other stuff, but if I just started them right out with Part II of Moe Moe Kyunstep, Bud Melvin, or Supercommuter, they probably wouldn't have taken to it as well as they have and moved on by now.

This is true and all, but I don't think the "issue" is whether they're in the same genre or not, it's more along the lines of "when does 'chiptune EDM' (or whatever genre you want) become 'EDM with chiptune elements'" or just straight EDM . A lot of pop songs these days have the occasional square wave or arpeggio here and there, but they aren't considered chiptune by most people.


(134 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jellica wrote:

Am I missing out on some dope tunes because of my snobbery towards these kind of names?

8BITchintendo (or however you spell it) makes some pretty cool tunes but has one of those names. Only artist I could think of off the top of my head though.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Whoa cool

Edit: whoops someone already linked to it