Have you tried refreshing a page that show your avatar? Let's say, this forum page.
To me, your avatar is a light blue object with a hint of a dark blue background in the upper left corner. Is that it?
1,889 Oct 28, 2010 4:27 pm
Re: Avatar Change (4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
1,890 Oct 26, 2010 11:40 am
Re: 16-bit Intel 8088 chip by Charles Bukowski (14 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Nitro, WTH is that?
Authentic canned ham, of course.
1,891 Oct 26, 2010 10:59 am
Re: 16-bit Intel 8088 chip by Charles Bukowski (14 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Former Rpesident Bill Klinton uses Voagra
From: "Dustin Ward" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 10:54:42 -0300
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Be happy with it!
[-- Attachment #1 --]
[-- Type: multipart/alternative, Encoding: 7bit, Size: 5.7K --]
Langdon looked again at the fax an ancient myth confirmed in black and white.
The implications were frightening. He gazed absently through the bay window.
The first hint of dawn was sifting through the birch trees in his backyard,
but the view looked somehow different this morning. As an odd combination of
fear and
exhilaration settled over him, Langdon knew he had no choice
The man led Langdon the length of the hangar. They rounded the corner onto the
[-- Attachment #2: image001.jpg --]
[-- Type: image/jpeg, Encoding: base64, Size: 20K --]
[-- image/jpeg is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]
From: "Carlitos Fimbres" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2006 20:05:46 -0700
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: new jeloa
Reply-To: "Carlitos Fimbres" <[email protected]>
VxALIUM $ 1,21
CxIALIS $ 3,75
VxIAGRA $ 3,33
Gollums head he jumped, seven feet forward and three in the air; indeed, had he known it, he only just missed cracking his skull on the low arch of the passage.
From: "Morgan Walburn" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 08:56:22 -0700
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: the AjMBtEN
Reply-To: "Morgan Walburn"
web site <http://pulevitalozan.com>
Teh Ajmbten As Teh
uneasily with dreams
in which there came the howl
of hunting wolves and the cries
of goblins.
Still the next morning dawned
bright and fair
There was an autumn-like mist
white upon the ground
and the air was chill,
but soon the sun rose red
in the East
and the mists vanished,
and while the shadows were still long
they were off again.
So they rode now for two more days,
and all the while
they saw nothing
save grass and flowers and birds and scattered trees, and occasionally small
herds of red deer browsing or sitting at noon in the shade.
Sometimes Bilbo saw
the horns of the harts
sticking up out of the long
and at first he thought
they were the dead branches
of trees.
That third evening
they were so eager to press
for Beorn had said
that they should reach the forest-gate
early on the fourth day,
that they rode still forward
after dusk and into the night
beneath the moon.
As the
- Morgan Walburn
Wed, 10 May 2006 08:56:22 -0700
From: "Francisco Hertzler"
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 09:57:30 -0700
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: the CtAmLlS
Reply-To: "Francisco Hertzler"
web site <http://pulevitalozan.com>
Teh Ctamlls Queer Lodgings
butcher all ready to cook.
Gandalf, too, was
lying down after doing
his part in
setting the fire
since Oin and Gloin had lost
their tinder-boxes.
(Dwarves have never taken to matches even yet.)
So ended the adventures
of the Misty Mountains.
Soon Bilbos stomach
was feeling full
and comfortable again,
and he felt he could
sleep contentedly,
though really
he would have liked
a loaf and butter better
than bits of meat toasted
on sticks.
He slept curled up
on the hard
more soundly than ever
he had done on his feather-bed
in his own little hole
at home.
But all night he dreamed
of his own house and
wandered in his sleep
into all his different
rooms looking
for something that he
could not find
nor remember
what it looked
Queer Lodgings
-Francisco Hertzler
Wed, 10 May 2006 09:57:30 -0700
1,892 Oct 24, 2010 11:22 pm
Re: What's wrong with 8bitcollective (47 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Actually, Immahafta close this thread, before people (myself included) troll even more here.
1,893 Oct 24, 2010 5:26 pm
Re: What's wrong with 8bitcollective (47 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Flopps wrote:hello logan!
Or, hellogan, for short. Badum tss
1,894 Oct 24, 2010 11:55 am
Re: Wichita State University Assembly Language: Z80/Game Boy (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I'm sorry to break the news, but the course was held in 2008, and there are no signs that it was renewed in 2009 or 2010. Cool nontheless.
1,895 Oct 21, 2010 10:08 am
Re: What's wrong with 8bitcollective (47 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Can everyone who has a question about whether a website is down or not just bookmark this?
Actually, the problem with 8bc wasn't that it was "down" but that PHP was somehow disabled so that you'd get PHP source code rather than the page you actually wanted to see. So that site wouldn't have helped much.
Also, could someone please ask Jose what kind of automatic update did that to the server? Seems like you'd want to avoid that software package, heh...
1,896 Oct 21, 2010 9:51 am
Re: Wrong resistors with Nonfinite RGB backlight? (7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Of course the current matters. It's all Ohms law. But to say that the resistor is there to limit current is simply not right. You alter the brightness of an led by changing the voltage over the resistor not the current through it.
Well, yes and no. An LED (and indeed, any diode) is fundamentally different from a resistor with regards to its voltage/current response.
A resistor has a linear response. Double the voltage over a resistor and you also double the current. Easy as a pie.
For a diode, on the other hand, the current increases exponentially with an increasing current. Double the voltage and the current increases thousandfold or something like that. See this graph. The term "forward voltage drop" is actually an arbitrarily defined point on this graph denoting a voltage that is "ideal" i.e. high enough to allow the diode to carry current, but low enough that current doesn't sky-rocket exponentially.
So what does this mean? Well, keep in mind that current and voltage are not separate entities, but completely interrelated. Any change in current is also a change in voltage and vice versa. In this context, they are just the same measurement expressed in two different ways (either as charge or as flow of electrons.) In reality, the "forward voltage drop" defines not a point, but a small range of a few millivolts where the voltage stays roughly constant while the current varies over a quite large range. (Maybe 5-40 mA for a regular LED 5 mm LED.)
So, does the resistor control current or voltage? It controls both, as voltage and current are closely related. However, it's much more relevant to say that it controls current as current is the unit that changes the most when you vary the resistance. (At least as long as you stay near the "voltage drop".)
I hope that clarified some of the theory behind LEDs (or if not, piqued someone's interest.)
1,897 Oct 20, 2010 6:14 pm
Re: Weird DMG Sample Kit Noise issue with BBloopcart (42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Peter (Man, I love calling you by name) I know someone who might be interested in that Gameboy for science. And yes, -01 and -02 are known to have certain sound problems. Not sure if what you're hearing is supposed to happen though.
1,898 Oct 19, 2010 5:54 am
Re: Weird DMG Sample Kit Noise issue with BBloopcart (42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Peter, could you please take off the battery cover and look into the hole and tell me which revision of the mainboard you have? (DMG-CPU-xx)
1,899 Oct 18, 2010 4:15 pm
Re: Weird DMG Sample Kit Noise issue with BBloopcart (42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Peter, what does it sound like if you use wave instrument rather than kit, and choose the "manual" wave mode? (Ie, no frame advance.)
1,900 Oct 18, 2010 3:28 pm
Re: Help with a EMS USB cart, please... (32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
However, it's your decision, and alot of people are quite happy with the new redesigned non-GPL-violating bleepbloop carts.
As far as I'm aware, the microcontroller firmware is still the same on the new carts.
1,901 Oct 15, 2010 7:52 pm
Re: M4G Tracker -- GBA tracker by Smiker (and iLKke) (484 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
BTW does anybody know wich SIO mode ldsj operates on?
1,902 Oct 15, 2010 11:12 am
Re: FS: Magenta Boy, GB Cameras, GB Light, GBA, GBC, 4-Way, Koassilator... (22 replies, posted in Trading Post)
SnuGG: Sorry, but I need to remind you about one of the rules: "Please indicate prices on items you are selling, if you are tying to see what you can get for it use an auction site like ebay."
1,903 Oct 15, 2010 10:47 am
Re: M4G Tracker -- GBA tracker by Smiker (and iLKke) (484 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
http://nocash.emubase.de/gbatek.htm#sio urposemode
Get on it!
I'd say http://nocash.emubase.de/gbatek.htm#sionormalmode + 8-bit mode sounds like a better idea. The main problem is 5V vs 3.3V compatibility, and I'd guess that you'd encounter the same problems whether you are using general purpose mode or "normal" serial mode.
One problem however, is that GBA can't send data at any lower rate than 256 KHz in GBA mode. That should be just fine with a DMG, but perhaps the high speed combined with the low voltage will make the transfer unstable. If you look at the DMG schematic, you'll see that all the serial port pins hove some input prtection circuitry, including a 100 pF, which might bite enough away of the rising edge of the data that the tranfer (sometimes?) fails.
My recommended procedure is:
1) Try the "normal" mode in 8-bit mode with GBA as master.
If that's not stable enough...
2) Try "normal" mode in 8-bit mode with GBA as slave and DMG etc as slave.
That should work stable, but you obviously can't be master. So you can...
3) Try emulating the serial protocol in "general purpose" with a much slower speed. DMG's master mode is 1 kbit/s, for comparison. A few kbit/s should be no problem for the DMG, but if 1) didn't work, you know 256 kbit/s is far too much.
Gambatte, ne!
1,904 Oct 11, 2010 11:57 am
Re: Do you have a method for creating new LSDJ Patches? (8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
RG: Have you tried lsdsng.com?