Oh and I need to say this.
*clears throat*


If anyone else here are TB303/x0xb0x users, please speak up and I will ask you questions.

Jazzmarazz wrote:

What's the cart type at 0147?

For now there's no saving yet, and the ROM is 32k, so the type is set to 00, ROM only. The ROM size will probably not grow over 32 kB. The type will then probably be 1B, MBC5+RAM+battery.

Biere Gratuite wrote:

Is it waveform only also?

herr_prof wrote:

Does this use all the melodic voices or is it just a wav channel synth?

Now, the answer to this will surprise you, but this warrants a longer explanation.

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

Any special hardware or just a rom?

Just a ROM.

Yep, another one! Completely unrelated (source code wise) to furrtek's. I'm exploring new ground when it comes to the Gameboy hardware!

Sound samples to get you hyped: https://soundcloud.com/nitro2k01-gamebo … ng-303-ish

Planned features in the final version: (subject to change as the development moves along:
3 octaves (Bottom note; C2, or ~32 Hz. Top note: C5, or ~262 Hz.)
Sawtooth and squarewave oscillators.
Tunable resonant filter.
Glide and accent controls.
Bult-in sequencer, external sync and MIDI control. Possibly other control methods.
As dirty and glitchy as it gets.
Not compatible with emulators - hardware only.
Barely in tune.
But fun to use. wink

If you are interested in beta testing it when it reaches beta, let me know.

This sounds like something I could look into. But the comment in the source code of that script is a dead giveaway, from one word: "nonlinear". Nothing would stop you from extracting the sound data if you know the format of it and where it's located, but non-linear means that the amplitude steps are not evenly spaced. In other words, you need to know the conversion curve of the SMS/GG DAC in order to restore the original audio from the sample data. This is all fine and well, but requires additional research on the hardware if it's not already documented somewhere. And likewise, it's impossible to know the correct sample playback rate without figuring out what the ROM is actually doing.

And yes, that Cannon fodder sample playback is horrible. Thank you for reminding me of this. I've now uploaded a video with the audio reconstructed from a ROM rip, in case you are interested.


However, the Cannon Fodder audio as played back by the ROM always reminded of a version of Forever Young that V/Vm did for a Playstation commercial that never got aired. My own favorite theory is that they left the audio playback that way as some sort of homage to that commercial, although it's more likely that that's not the case.


turboboy215 wrote:

Also, how did you fix the title?

I'm an admin of the site. But you too can edit your own posts with the edit link in the bottom right corner of each of your own posts.

I will bookmark this thread for future reference for... a thing.

Also, fixed the title. You can edit the title yourself. No need to create a new thread for that purpose.


(1 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

it would be possible but you would probably find it difficult aligning it correctly and getting the right height. You're really only getting one try (unless you break off another screw post) and the adhesion may not be optimal. I have had great success using that method for putting back a post that had fallen off however, since it fit like a puzzle piece, so the glue volume was minimal and the post was perfectly aligned by itself.


(40 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Is that auction only open to people in Germany? It says "Versand nach:Deutschland". (Asking for someone else.)

quBit, yeah,

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/4400/ … g-buttons/


There's a schematic from the SAM COUPE/ZX Spectrum here. Copy the analog part. You then need to add an external 8 MHz clock and control lines for the CPU interface. A0 controls which register is active. To write data, put it on the data lines and pull /WR and /CS low for whatever time the datasheet says.

Edit: or I guess you're looking for something more complete...

Any chance seeing the back side and more up close? This pic is pretty blurry and also not so close up.

http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3996 … 2l_jpg.htm

How is the tactile feel? Are the buttons light enough that the spring back easily?


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh snap... I forgot to consider that those things would get filtered. tongue
Well, click quote on my post and look what it actually says.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Timbob wrote:

I get the crappy google translate sentences, but what's with the random animal names?
They seem to be really fond of daddy long leg spiders and bird of prey...

That's the site's word filters. It's really saying something like cats and various animals.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SEO. Google ranks pages based on how many links they have. These spam various forums and posts links between each place they spam. That way, google (supposedly) thinks these pages are really hot. And then from each spam post, there's also a link to their real page, the one that sells something or so.

A question was moved to the appropriate section -> http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/16518 … based-daw/