Damn it guys. Those are not favorite favorite threads. You need to post threads that are  both favored by you and have favoriteness as a property. Get your puns straight.

DeerPresident wrote:

And defPREMIUM, how is Snoop Dogg related to this thread?....MODS!!!!

"Yo dawg, we heard you like threads, so we made a thread about threads."


(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Enclaimer: I'm an expert. (I'm an expert at making up words as well.)

Another thing that could be used for syncing is the DIN sync output of a drum machine or TB-303.

I was going to suggest reading the joypad more often than the regular every VBlank, but you're already doing that. Good. However, I think (from reading the source code) that your joypad check routine is buggy in how it handles multiple, For example, I think if you say, hold up permanently pressed, and then press start, that the start button press will be registered as an up press.

There's a way to solve this to create a trigger mask sing XOR then AND. Pseudo code, in a more Z80-ish syntax:

call READPAD         ; Let's sy this function returns the currently pressed keys in A
ld   B,A             ; Save current mask for later (copy to B)
ld   A,[OLDJOYPAD]   ; Get previous joypad state (load to A)
xor  A,B             ; XOR with current state to detect any changed buttons (target: A)
and  A,B             ; AND with current state to only store currently pressed (ie newly pressed) buttons
ld   [JOYTRIGGER],A  ; Save trigger mask
ld   A,B             ; Load B into A
ld   [OLDJOYPAD],A   ; Save current state as old state for the next comparison

Now check all bits in JOYTRIGGER.

Another idea: You could make the program have a master mode as well. In this mode, the joypad is only checked once every frame (or more exactly, once every player tick, if a song should happen to use a different sync source than VSync (NMI). (The sync source must be internal in this mode.) This would read out the controller like normal, but it would also have the side effect of ending out 8 clock pulses, one per bit that is being read. If you connect the NES controller clock line to the Gameboy's clock line, (and ground-ground of course) these 8 bits will be read by the Ganeboy as an incoming byte on the serial port. In LSDj's MIDI mode, this will be enough to synch the song.


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The demo version should clear the memory completely, but apparently this doesn't happen for some reason. In my test, at least the settings in the project screen were random (preserved) on the first boot. Not sure what's going on there. This sounds like a bug and I'll report it to Johan. This nonwithstanding, you cartridge may be faulty.

A highly self-promotional and sarcastic post mentioning incest porn? I bet some fascist mod like nitro2k01 is going to close this thread soon.

So uhm yeah. Moved to the releases forum and edited title.

<- Boring weiner.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Also keep an eye out for my flasher. While it's not a cartridge, it will be relevant to the market.

Everyone who still owns the old version with two tracks missing can sell it expensively as a rare collector's edition of an MP3 release.

Added h tags.

Added h tags.


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My philosophy: If you want to be "real" use a hardware platform, with the limitations that this imposes and try to break those limitations by creative song programming. Or, if you want to approach it as a "style", use modern tools and impose artificial limits on yourself.


(8 replies, posted in Product reviews)

Edited the post to use h (header) tags instead of b (bold).


(3 replies, posted in Product reviews)

Well, the idea is to produce a useful resource for the community. Anything that is actually chip-related is a given. Reviews of different performance gear like stage mixers, studio monitors and audio interfaces would probably be appreciated as well.

As for your question of DIY vs non-DIY, sure DIY is ok, as long as it as a product that is actually being produced/sold regularly and not just a one-off. (In other words, if a person has only produced a single or a couple of items, a review might not be that valuable to the greater public.)

Really, though, let's just go with the flow for now and see what works. I think it's a situation of "you know it when you see it".


(20 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

It's live: http://chipmusic.org/forums/forum/34/product-reviews/


(3 replies, posted in Product reviews)

This forum is for product reviews. Reviews should be of products that are relevant to the chip community.

Keep questions and non-review discussion at a minimum. Do not start threads asking questions.

One thread per product. Additional reviews for a product should be posted as replies to an existing thread for that product. Search before you post. Please try to write insightful reviews.

Feel free to use the template from TylerBarnes' post below. Click quote and copy the contents to the new post and add your review points below the headings. If you're adding an image before a heading, add a line with something like a single period between the image and the heading, otherwise the heading will end up to the right of the image. Sorry about the inconvenience. This is because of how the CSS is written and will be fixed later.

For new users, don't spam/use this forum for product placement. Spammers will be banned within hours of posting. Don't bother.

Discussion about the forum section: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/13031 … w-section/


(20 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

This could be a good idea. Suggestion of the rules:

kineticturtle wrote:

This is a great idea! One thread per thing, and a string of reviews for each thing. Sounds way useful!

+keep it on-topic and keep discussion at a minimum. Ready to do this almost on the spot,

Interesting. Getting a look from the top, I'm seeing the LCD contrast wheel. This suggests that they're using the same LCD module as the Game Fighter, and might be made by the same people.

http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2012/11/11 … -teardown/