
(6 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

e.s.c., yes the address should work, and be forwarded to me and and trash80.


(6 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I believe this one requires the attention of Mr 80. I'll forward the issue to him. If you still need help with something, pm me. (Or, if it's a moderation issue, click the report link to the thread you want to report.)


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Always make regular backups, though.


(76 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

The hardest bit in doing that is reading and converting the graphics data. Currently, I'm using an old DOS program for the conversion. I'm planning to write a replacement for this program, and maybe I never actually will. But if you have any other images you want converted, within reason, I can do it for you.


(76 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Since nobody asked, I threw together a Gameboy viewer for these images. Left/right to select image. A to invert the image, if you want to do that for whatever reason.


Yep, I even included Ultramega's sketch, even if it looks a bit corrupted because information is missing at the bottom.
This ROM might be useful if you want to show one of these logos on a modded Gameboy for sale. But make sure you get permission from the respective logo creator etc.

Edit: Perhaps I should mention that I modified R4C7's logo slightly to make it work better with the GB screen resolution. I included two versions of it, one where the logo part was resized with the HQ2X algorithm, and one where it was resized *2 with pixelated (nearest neighbor) ersizing.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Send the sav file to the address in the original post.

I do have a plan for one or two things that I want to make. I have a clear image in my head of what I want to do, but I have a certain difficulty getting started with things. But don't be too surprised if I actually manage to make something.

I'm not going to give out the exact details, but it's registered from an e-mail address that is consistent with the account name... Actually, now I realize that he gave away his e-mail address in the second post in this thread.


(43 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This is literally the same unit sold as the bleepbloop and smartboy burner, but this time with permission. (Yay!)
So, no full compatibility with EMS carts. (Only SRAM).


(43 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Downstate wrote:

maybe im really really stoned. maybe dumb. bit of both. but what is it ?

It's a thing you plug into a USB port and use to modify the contents of a non-USB Gameboy flash cartridge.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What I think would be cool in that case is an app which generates the music rather than simply play back mp3 files or similar. But that would require an actual effort, so I don't expect to see that... And likewise, of the things you mentioned, I'd lean mostly toward "artsy experience" and "music toy". For example, say you have a predefined melody and a TB-like bassline. You then have some limited influence over the filter cutoff and other settings. (If you want to be fancy, you could automate the influence of the user selection over time, so the user setting has almost no effect near a breakdown section, but almost complete influence during a longer section.)

Deleting the instrument indicator is the right way to do it. Strange that it doesn't work. Is this on hardware or in an emulator, and if so which one? Which version of LSDj?


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Which type of Gameboy are you using? Does the "cartridge" lie flush to the back of the Gameboy, or does it sit at an angle, to there's some space behind it? If you push down the cartridge flat, does it change anything?

There's a legitimate source of confusion here, though. Even if you know in general what sweep and shape are/do, it may be unclear what the S command does, exactly. There are three ways it could work. It could set an absolute value, set a value relative to the instrument's value, or set a value relative to the value after the last command was executed. And there's also another factor, whether a relative value is applied as an 8 bit add, or to each nibble individually.

This can vary between whether the command is used for the PU1 or the noise channel. This can vary depending on whether the command is used in a table or a phrase. The behavior can vary between versions. (These differences used to be a notorious way old songs could break. I've probably used LSDj longer than anyone in this thread, and I generally have to rediscover the exact behavior everytime I want to use the S command. This is just an idiosyncrasy of LSDj that you have to get used to.

pixls wrote:

no one "gets it"

guys what if the drag'n'derp is a hoax!


It's worse. It's not a hoax, it's a CONSPIRACY. Derpie is a mind control device. You can see this on the printed cart labels. You can clearly see the antenna in the image. This is a hint to all of us who have OPENED OUR EYES to the ultimate terror. Plus of course the picture of The All-seeing Eye! It might be a bit difficult to see with the naked eye, but here I've enhanced the contrast a little, and you can clearly see what's going on!

TSS:: Idea: make the song available to the public so people can study it.