(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hopefully you didn't burn out the LEDs in the backlight. Double check the resistor connections and make sure you have a good solder. Where did you solder the resistor and wires to? If you have a pic to show how your setup looks it might help a bit.

Clearboy relisted on ebay.

More then likely he's getting the colored plastic diffused LED and not the actual clear blue one. With these I think it's just a simple desolder, feed the new one through, solder, clip the tails and you're done.

If you're looking for clarity from what I've gathered Green is one of the best. Out of the 5 colors I've installed I will say Orange and Green are really easy to read.


(51 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

mysterystain wrote:

Psst hey do an Android port


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yeah, I've got 2 other Pockets that still sound fine, but this one for some reason is just really weak. I tried out the headphone jack to see if it still worked fine and it worked flawlessly. I just couldn't tell if it was a blown speaker (which I have a spare if needed) or had something to do with a weak connection somewhere or even something to do with the amp.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Vile wrote:

the speaker is VERY weak.

Vile wrote:

The headphone jack still works perfectly.

I'm sorry but this doesn't explain why one doesn't work well and the other one does.

So I just got this Gameboy Pocket and for some reason the speaker is VERY weak. At max volume it sounds more like an earbud speaker turned up. Does anyone have any idea what the case could be with this? Does it have to do with the internal amp being blown or something possibly more simple then that? The headphone jack still works perfectly.

So from what I've gathered on these EL backlights is the fact that they generate a lot of noise with the AC converter. Since this is already shrink wrapped could you possibly use a magnetic shielding foil to cover it and reduce the interference with the speaker and other internal components? Just a thought but I have no idea what causes the added noise as it is, figured it'd be worth mentioning though.


TrebleChild wrote:

Yeah im still confused on what pil is

PIL = Play It Loud

From the "Play It Loud" series Gameboys that were colored.

Alrighty, I'm trying to declutter a bit so I've got a few items up for grabs.

First up, got 2 Handy boys with only 1 battery connector and joystick add-on between them, and a GB battery pack with wall plug(battery doesn't hold a charge but the case could be used for an auduinoboy). Can take both of the Handy boys for $10+shipping and the battery pack for $5+shipping.

Next up, got parts from 2 blue GBA SPs, including screws, cases, buttons, 2 speakers and 2 motherboards. These were purchased for the frontlights and weren't working when I got them (bad batteries from what I could tell). No LCDs with either of these. All the parts will go together for $10+shipping.

Next, NES cartridge sleeves and Gamegear game cases. I'm selling them as bundles, for those that don't need all of them. NES sleeves are 4 per stack for $4 or you can take all 8 sleeves for $6. Gamegear cases are 5 per stack for $4 or all 10 cases for $6. If anyone wants as well I can throw that Gameboy case in with anything for free. It does have some writing on the front that could possibly be cleaned off.

And lastly, got a few random things here. On the bottom is a Gameboy carry case that can go for $5. There are 2 SNES power plugs, letting them go for $7 each. GBA to Gamecube cable, I can throw this into someones purchase as well for free. XB360 recharging cable, yet again, just ask and it will go with whatever you purchase for free. Those Sega cases are empty sadly, but if you're in need of a case or want them for the artwork just ask and they can go with anything here as well.

I'm willing to ship any of this stuff internationally as well. Shipping costs for most of this stuff is going to be relatively cheap in the US($3-6) depending on how much you get. Oh, something that wasn't pictured, the original PIL clear Gameboy carry case. It can go with anything as well.

kineticturtle wrote:

What you're hearing is phase cancellation - somewhere along the line (probably with your adapter), the two channels are being merged, one is canceling the other out - until something is panned, then there is no inverse signal to cancel, so it's extremely loud.

Hit the nail on the head. That Y cable he linked, or something similar should fix your problem. Like he also said in his edit, your 1/8" splitter is just splitting it into 2 stereo jacks, which you're then plugging into mono inputs.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

How much would you be willing to spend? That may help someone part with the case as well. Also, if you're having trouble finding one within your reasonable price range I can keep an eye out on my daily ebay scrounge.

Last bump for the Clearboy before it hits ebay.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sometimes this could help you but with how bad those lines are you may not be able to fix all of them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHTD12G7368