Great minimal chip tones, as usual.


(99 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lee Ann Rhythms

Yeah this thread was about chiptune vs. non-chiptune, basically. I make byte tunes. Well bytetunes and seamo.


(134 replies, posted in General Discussion)

1 byte weapon, picsels, unbrick my heart


(20 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Neato, looking forward to it.


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Seaemo.. that's awkward –– how about seamo?


(161 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lazerbeat wrote:
Dissonance wrote:

I agree that the majority wouldn't and probably shouldn't display their sales figures, it wouldn't be ethical.. But I was wondering what the market share was.

Its vanishingly small...

Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. Just from my own experience, which may not be in the same ballpark as the OP.


(161 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Why build a buisness on LSDJ, and old nintendo hardware? It's so obscure. Why not teach people how to make dubstep or something? It's a much bigger market. Or how about helping people with making electronic music in general?

If you want to make money, it's probably a bad target. If you were passionate about modding, or making tutorials, you'd just do it.


(25 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Now that I think about it mssiah doesn't let you use instrument-tables with midi, except in a certain mode where you can only use three diff patches at a time. To get the classic sid  sound you really need that. Something to consider. Maybe Sammich SID does support that better.

Also, yeah, mssiah doesn't sound as nice as a good tracker.


(25 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

you can get hardsid, or mssiah, or one of the c64 midiboxes. mssiah is pretty good for what you want. It's not too complicated either.


(41 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

YES! I've been waiting for this!


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

A little EQ and compression goes a long way with dmg sounds. If I'm really serious about a track, I'll test it on different types of systems. There's nothing beneficial about distributing raw recordings, imho.

It's a weird 3D world, that's all. It almost looks like a badly made game, which can be terrifying.

This is awesome. Thanks.

I think the verb of "chiptune" has already been claimed by those people who tune chips.

edit: Oh the article is pretty sparse, and doesn't really give a good overview of the options for making chip music.


(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I've never done a live setup, but I always though it would be cool to use my iPad like a customizable kaoss pad.

edit: ^^ with iRig I mean. Also I believe Amplitube lets you use midi to control parameters. So maybe...

                                                      audio out
Lemur app -> CoreMidi -> Amplitube -> iRig

..would be cool