(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Clear your cache?

A crappy Compaq I got when I was 14. I was happy to have it.

InactiveX wrote:
Aeros wrote:

i deleted system32 thrice on the thing

What, you fell for that old trick three times?

Windows doesn't let you do that anymore. I swear.


(4 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Love pd. I might have some patches...somewhere..

Chocolate chip is dead

I've always wanted wave tables on the GB.  Maybe attach different wave tables to different buttons? Idk

Edit.. So I guess I'm describing pounder w/ wavetables, and voice stealing

This is pretty cool. Very Zelda like, but w RPG elements. Audio kicks ass.  A captivating multimedia experience.


(32 replies, posted in Releases)

I like this a lot. It's sonically beautiful, and I like the concept behind it.

ASP wrote:

Hi, can some know a cycle wave editor for apple ?
great !

Audacity? That's what I use on os x. Maybe there's a dedicated editor..


(16 replies, posted in Sega)

My master system came with Alex Kid in Miracle World as a default game.

This is cool! Got it last night. Yeah audio export (or pasteboard more so) would be useful. One thing about the noise waves. All of the pitch control is at the very bottom of the screen, and the top does nothing. It makes it kinda hard to get different pitches. Sounds great though!

Definitely gonna check this out.

Get a good sound card. Maybe it's obvious but for a live situation the less latency the better.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'll throw in my opinion cuz I'm hopped up on coffee. I agree with your assessment of what happens when a group of people write one song. It would probably yield mediocre results if you took everyone's suggestion about what to do with your song.

Personally I would just want some ideas about where the song could be stronger, is it repetitive, general stuff like that. First impressions. Other people are approaching it fresh, so they may see obvious problems that I wouldn't.

It wouldn't be helpful to get CC like "It's good", or "it's bad".


(103 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Chips gone wild


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Won't find another NES rom like this.