Nebula. Yeah I noticed I was humming it a while ago.
545 Jun 8, 2012 1:12 am
Re: Auxcide ::: of Atoms and Stardust Album Preview (26 replies, posted in Releases)
546 Jun 8, 2012 12:47 am
Re: Auxcide ::: of Atoms and Stardust Album Preview (26 replies, posted in Releases)
I've got one of your songs stuck in my head today. Can't wait for the release.
547 Jun 5, 2012 7:03 am
Re: NESFlix - movie player for your Nintendo/NES (48 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Can someone walk me through compiling the ROM? I'm on OSX and I can't seem to get the shell script to function - it can't find anything. Shouldn't it start looking for files in its own directory?
Hey man, I made a couple easy to use files for OS X. Try using this
Open that up and double click the mmc3_compile.command or mmc5_compile.command file.
548 Jun 5, 2012 12:18 am
Re: Popularity Contest (208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
limiting voting by IP would just encourage proxy server use.. its already popular among trolls
Well that's a good point. The post count might be better. I'm just sayin it could be tweaked just to serve as a way to bring attention to the really good stuff, and increase usage. Help people find good music, and artists to find recognition.
I know it's a double edged sword.
549 Jun 5, 2012 12:02 am
Re: Popularity Contest (208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
So, how should I put this... I'm in the camp that supports there being some form of active rating mechanism. (Likes, 5 star rating or similar.) I think the idea behind the current system is that everyone should have equal opportunity, and preventing favoritism. However, there are two problems. For the listener, if you don't have the time and will to browse through 20 songs, it's practical to have some form of quality screening. And if you're an uploader, some form of reward is an incentive to upload good music. As unfortunate as it is, 90% of music uploaded is going to suck (or at least not blow anyone's mind). A rating system can help bring attention to those other 10%.
I can see certain specific problems with a rating system, which could be solved with some tweaking of the rules. Sockpuppet accounts: restrict voting to people who have a certain amount of activity in the forums or similar. Favoritism: If a person reaches the top 3, restrict them from reaching top 3 for the next x weeks. And so on. I do think some form of rating system would be good for the site.
This pretty much sums up my feelings on the issue. I like the idea of booting people off the charts for a period, after reaching the top. It would be great if we could limit voting by IP address.
I think the popularity contest on 8bc was fueled by the "Likes list". When you can see all the people who 'like' a song, it's temping to stick with your friends, and upvote just to be a pal. I think the only purpose of voting should be quality control. Therefore anonymity would be best.
Maybe there could also be more filter options. Filter by newest, weekly top rated, all time top rated, most comments, most downloaded, most used tags. It would just be helpful in sifting through the uploads.
550 Jun 2, 2012 7:35 pm
Re: Starpilot — Experimentalist (5 replies, posted in Releases)
This is some manic bleepage. Downloading...
551 May 30, 2012 8:16 am
Re: xxxxxxxxxx (42 replies, posted in General Discussion)
What makes this different from, say, chiptune artists who have done the same thing is that Black isn't what you'd call a games guy.
I wonder what the significance of the carts are?
Just exploiting nostalgia seems like.
552 May 25, 2012 8:15 pm
Re: Who isn't going to blip? (89 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Do some coding, work on a choon. Prob smoke some ganja and realize I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. Wait for my new graphics card so I can play D3, for the love of god. Not listen to blip stream.
553 May 24, 2012 8:27 pm
Re: Pitchfork: Radiohead's Kid A & OK Computer as 8-bit Video Game Music (75 replies, posted in General Discussion)
breakphase wrote:I would like these albums if they were done well, pitchfork or not. But if you were a really good chip artist you wouldn't make a radiohead cover album. Right? Most cover albums around here are comps, because one person would'nt want to spend that much time covering one artist, straight. You'd want to re-interpret them or something. Which would be uninteresting to Pitchfork, unless it was done by Beck.
I would gladly sit down and cover all of Daft Punk's "Human After All" but I am not a really good chip artist.
Yeah me either
554 May 24, 2012 6:07 pm
Re: Pitchfork: Radiohead's Kid A & OK Computer as 8-bit Video Game Music (75 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I would like these albums if they were done well, pitchfork or not. But if you were a really good chip artist you wouldn't make a radiohead cover album. Right? Most cover albums around here are comps, because one person would'nt want to spend that much time covering one artist, straight. You'd want to re-interpret them or something. Which would be uninteresting to Pitchfork, unless it was done by Beck.
555 May 19, 2012 1:35 am
Re: my songs won't play and I can't view my profile.... (10 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
Lol, It's prob because of your name...
556 Apr 21, 2012 9:08 pm
Re: Elements For Chipbreak (22 replies, posted in Audio Production)
Here is a big ass zip full of breaks, including amen. Really clean samples.
557 Apr 15, 2012 11:26 pm
Re: What to do with old releases? Check them and comment, please. (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I like ur songs. It's hard to rely on views to tell you how many people listened. Views only tell you when someone visited the song page. Mostly people will just listen to the song in the little flash player and move on. If Views counted Listens, you might have a higher number. But I think If you really want to get out there you should post to soundcloud, make an album, release on Bandcamp, AND post here.
Do they check Soundcloud and don't check Chipmusic, their own site?
But this is a different question.
It's hard to say. There is a bigger user base at Soundcloud, but that means you can get buried. But you should use it for sure. And yeah there have been more users in the music section lately.
558 Apr 15, 2012 8:11 pm
Re: PB070 | 505 - hYMns (9 replies, posted in Releases)
crazy good. need more atari.
559 Apr 15, 2012 7:21 pm
Re: eliminating gameboy humm / nyquist frequency questions... (31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
i only get an unbearable "whine" when I sync more then one gb running nanoloop (both gba and gb/gbc). I can currently squash it when I match each gb's mixer channel signal perfectly on my mackie 1202 (cancels it out i guess) BUT if i add effects or volume changes to one channel, then the signals dont not match and the whine rears its ugly head.
so do i understand correctly that this hum does not occur when syncing more then one gb running lsdj? (i only have one cart so i cant test)
No I get that super-whine when syncing nanoloop w lsdj. It's an electrical problem more than likely.
edit: Oh u meant two lsdjs. I dunno.
560 Apr 15, 2012 6:02 am
Re: CM Feed, iOS app (v1.0.3) (45 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Is there a way to search music by songname or by artist ? That would be rad !
Well sort of. You will be able to search through the songs listed in the Feed section (next version). And I'll prob add a setting where you can decide how many songs you want to keep there at a time (right now it's just set to 400). As for finding an artists tracks I'm working adding the ability to retrive a listing of an artists tracks by tapping on their name in the Now Playing screen. I don't know about actually searching the server though.
This may have already been suggested, but I think it might be interesting to be able to sync to nanoloop for iPhone and allow mobile uploads. I personally think that would be pretty cool.
That would be pretty sweet. I always though that would be kind of cool to just upload songs straight off the phone. Weirdly it may actually be possible to do something like that, because nanoloop lets you export your song to the clip board.