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Topics by sugar sk*-*lls
Posts found: 49-64 of 191
chunter wrote:No swing was a main gripe in the review magazines when it was a new product, too. You may prefer the Sound Canvas series.
Is it possible to save smf files or midi sequences in a sound canvas module? As far as the qy series, goes I've got a qy70 that is pretty awesome. Data management is a little tricky, but the qy70 is significantly less than qy100.
Eh 6/10. There's quite a bit of academic verbiage, but the thesis is weak and not well supported other than anecdotes. There are a handful of fallacies due to oversimplification of categories. A good attempt at constructing a narrative, but ultimately nothing of substance is really established. I feel like the paper I s more of an extension of the arbitrary insulation that surrounds "chip" ephemera than a critique or illumination of principles at work that establish anything "chip" as a unique category. Worth the read though!
roboctopus wrote:I'm bummed I couldn't make it to this!
Just watched some videos of the chip showcase.
From what I've seen and heard, my own personal music would be really out of place, but I really want to help out next year. Something this cool should be fought for in Nashville for sure.
Really inspiring culture of exploration!
Your stuff would fit in great! There is always room for gorgeous melodies.This was a really fun weekend, good vibes all around and many new connections were made. More goodness is yet to come as a result of everything!
That jam was truly a highlight and great summation of the spirit of the weekend. Nice work dr. Thrash!
This thing keeps growing every year. There will be a chiptune panel and showcase Sunday the 13th. Should be a big help for integrating the chip scene into the garage rock thing that is exploding in nashberg.
herr_prof wrote:awesome.. i use this all the time to help me work out melodies for tracker input... anyone recommended a good midi interface for ios?
I kinda like yamaha mobile sequencer, maybe it's just because I've been really getting into my qy70. Exporting to smf is pretty sweet. The interface has a fast learning curve too which is nice.
This really is a cool app. The update is bad a$$. Well done.
egr wrote:"Pink Floyd: Live At Pompeii" is the greatest concert movie ever
lolz, this is the first thing I've seen in months that was worth signing in to comment on.
I agree! Between David Gilmour obviously stoned eating pie to Roger Waters comment about "give a man a synthesizer he doesn't become us" it is the perfect balance of spinal tap-ish humor and pink floyd-ish haunted beauty.
oh wait off topic comment....
Yeah, there were people seriously getting down. Also, dr. robes set sounded super awesome. Dat kick and bass!
Qy70. I loooove mine. Data transfer to/from the pc is kinda of a pain but to be expected with 15 year old hardware.
Lolz. The key to a great name is something inexplicable. Sure in retrospect you can apply all kinds of reasons why "x" is such a brilliant name, but it's kind of like "success" in making music. There is no real causality to be nailed down a priori. It either works or doesn't, and always for the most arbitrary reasons.
I have an sp404sx that I absolutely adore. I also have a yamaha qy70 which is surprisingly bad ass.
Both are fairly inexpensive, I don't have an arduino set up yet but I'm guessing it be would fairly simple to integrate either with a dmg-01
It also depends on your expected release style. Someone with the right equipment and knowledge for mastering can improve the sound of your music by smoothing out specific frequencies that are distracting.The key is to know what medium you want to master for: tape, vinyl, or digital formats have different considerations. The overall sound can be changed dramatically too, so it's important to communicate with whoever masters the tracks. I've never regretted having something mastered for release, but have regretted not having it mastered. Plus that extra step goes a long way to giving a collection of music for release a bit of tangibility. I wouldn't advise mastering yourself unless you have the time to mess up a bunch. Mastering is an art unto itself.
just got the update. this is a really really cool app. lots of possibilities
My new stuff is online for stream and free download (till I run out of giveaways). Physical copies to be available in the near future.
Posts found: 49-64 of 191 / Forums / Posts by sugar sk*-*lls