e p i c


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

2 prosound backlit DMGS (LSDJ + nanoloop),
behringer xenyx 802 mixer,
korg kaaos pad 3


(16 replies, posted in Other Hardware)


(44 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

i just got the behringer xenyx 802 this weekend.
i probably played with it for 2 days straight. it's an
awesome little machine. the knobs are very nice,
and have that tactile little feedback that says they are
are 50%, which i really liked. the sound was awesome.
the 3-band EQs were really nice. all and all it was a
great buy for only $60 (shipped). so i would think the
larger version would be just as nice.


what about the "CATS" voice from wing zero?
"all your base are belong to us"


(8 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

very nice big_smile

yeah me too.
and im getting them is chrome as well.
i have "http://chipmusic.org/" bookmarked.
but then i come to the site "cold", i get an
almost random url...

but if it click the bookmark again it's fine.

and im getting the "timeout request" almost every time i post in the "quick reply" box.


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

that's a good point.
there are TONS of open source game engines for flash already.
flixel, tile game engine, ffilmation isometric engine, alternative game, etc, etc, etc...

and beyond that there are open source engines for things like physics (fisix, box2D, APE, etc, etc, etc...)
or even 3D engines for flash (papervision3D, away3D, sandy, etc, etc, etc...)

i think open source code and lots of available engines help flash developers work more on the creative aspects of programming,
then the "under the hood" technical stuff. but i suppose that's true of most languages.


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Shiru wrote:

It should be noted that Flash has a lot of serious problems even today. Lack of support for hardware acceleration, low accuracy of all the timers (and even worse, different accuracy for different browsers), different speed depending from the browser and how it is embedded (up to 50% slowdown in some situations!), rather underdeveloped sound capabilites (good luck with seamless loop of MP3; peak CPU overhead at start of every sound) - it just a few that come in mind first. Well, alternatives nowhere near by popularity, and has their own problems too.

i have to agree w/ some of these comments.

the lack of hardware acceleration is sad really. but the problem isnt adobe. they are trying hard to work w/ gfx card developers
to create a standard method of accessing the GPU from flash. but ATI and nVidea dont ever want to work together on anything.

the timer issue is a big one. but that problem is intrinsic to the browser running it.
IE handles things one way, firefox another, chrome yet another... since IEEE will not create a standard for such things,
this becomes a problem w/ almost every run-time plugin (e.g. silverlight).

creating sounds from nothing in flash is not easy (though not impossible),
but i hate that looping mp3 argument. it's litterally 2 lines of code...

var soundLoop:Sound = new LoopingSound();
soundLoop.play(0, int.MAX_VALUE);


this is an argument as old as the player itself.
i liken it to: mac vs pc, windows vs linux, nintendo vs sega, etc...

but i digress...
to answer your original question, i think if you want to program
web-based games, that are awesome. unity3D is your plug-in of choice.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

very cool sound!

the part of me that heart's symmetry says 8x8.
but i agree w/ NO CARRIER, seeing them side
by side, my eyes say 10x8.

amazing work guys!


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

im all about flash.
i have been using it for a number of years now (like 7 maybe?), and it just keeps getting better.
the newest incarnation of action script 3 is simply amazing. it's like we took this simple animation
tool (flash 5) and added a full on programming language (java style) to it.

as for developing flash, you actually have a lot of options.
the "flash creative suite" is obviously the first choice. it's the native flash IDE that adobe has developed.
it's expensive. your 2nd choice is "flash builder" (aka flex builder). this is adobe's new IDE that's focused
more on code then visuals. it's my preferred development platform. it's built on eclipse, so there's tons
of cool coding features like strong typing, code hinting, intelesence, auto function writing, proto-classing,
etc, etc... this is also pay ware, but it's much cheaper. next up is "flash develop". this is an open source *FREEWARE*
application, similar to flex, for developing flash content. it's really fast and really lightweight. it uses adobe's
real open-source SDK (same as flex), so your exporting real flash.

html 5 is still in it's infancy (the standard still isn't 100% yet). but it's growing fast.
if you haven't seen them, check out the chrome experiments. good stuff.

OwenMcGarry wrote:

But an HTML5 flash player would be cool.

it exists already... check out smokescreen
take that steve jobs!!!

flash is here to stay!
whether yew like it or not!
lulz ;D


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

made w/ ChrStudio v1.0.0.5

im a big fan of giving away 1/2 the album free...
and having the other 1/2 a download for $$$

if the music isnt good, it was a free preview, no loss.
but if it is really good, it will continue to entice you
until you are forced to buy the whole album ;D

damn esc... i was just about to post that ;P

and what yew said about venues closing due to poor turn out, is happening here in pittsburgh as well. we used to have punk, rave, hardcore, industrial/goth, etc, shows almost every night in the city 5-10 years ago. now 3/4 of the venues have closed, and even when there are good shows almost no one comes out. (with the exception of bar shows). it's honestly a pretty sad state of affairs...