(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:

yo, squarewave beeps and PWM leads aren't "chip samples"

I mean the specific using of plain square waves which is similar to what makes chipmusic sound the way it does.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GivkxpAV … zMwzX4UtHA

Uses some chip samples, or a lot of chip samples. Pretty catchy actually. What do you guys think, is chip music gonna make it's way into pop soon again?

I think it sounds pretty good, my only thought would be maybe some plucked notes, like an Envelope of 73 and add a lot of vibrato in the table. But really I like it a lot how it is.

I really like this actually, it's pretty chill stuff I wouldn't mind seeing more of this


(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kineticturtle wrote:

That sounds fun. If people think we look silly working on a native Game Boy tracker though, they're in for a treat.

And hour to set up, and an hour trying to get in a comfortable position to use the dang thing.

Goodnight, Bitter Prince was probably the better song on the EP, but I have to agree with xylo. It needs work. The vocals aren't terrible they just need a little fixing up. Don't take it as an insult, just take it as motivation to do better on your next EP.

pivot. wrote:

Silver Spring MD. Chiptuner population: me.

or at least as far as I know. Theres this really awesome thrift store here and the workers there have a pretty respectable collection of old gameboy cartridges and hardware. Maybe one of them plays come chip.

What would be a good idea is to sell the EMS cartridges in thrift stores, and advertise LSDJ on a local level. What people could do is go into the store with a credit card or have a paypal account, go through the donation process for LSDJ under supervision of an employee, and then charge like 2 dollars to flash it into the EMS cartridge that would be sold in the same store. those 2 dollars could go directly to the LSDJ fund, and most of all, you can get more people on the local scene to make chiptunes which is great.

Well there ARE plenty of other options, emulators, trackers, ect. But I like the idea, I just feel like in a lot of places the desire isn't there. I got all my gameboys from a local thrift store too, places are gold mines for cheap retro hardware. The best thing I'd say is just tell your friends, have them tell their friends and start little shows for fun to get people interested. Some places are just a lost cause it seems, especially in a place like here where your total pop. is barely over 4k and mostly old folks. Make a facebook event and try and get some people to show up and jam and maybe have some gameboys for people to sort of play with to get the local community interested in chip.

Jellica wrote:

i just get a bit weary of all the nintendo fetishism

No love for a genesis.

bryface wrote:
boomlinde wrote:

arp tough guys

that would be an awesome name for a new chip band.  i can picture the cover art so clearly.

i agree though, there are too many "this song was totally mind blowing man! SO. GOOD." comments on songs which i think are pedestrian at best if i'm being totally honest - either because of low collective standards, or because commenters feel they should pay forward the "good chip vibes" that they think should be characteristic of the chip scene.

I think I got a bit misunderstood, I'm saying insulting a track is bad, but praising a track that you don't really think deserves it is just as bad or worse. I was suggesting constructive criticism "this is pretty good but [x thing] could use a little work, maybe try [x thing] instead". I've noticed a lot of people here lashing noobs when they come in an post a thread topic about wanting to get started in chipmusic. And a lot of what I said wasn't directly towards cm.o but the chip community as a whole.

Maybe I've just been on the internet too long and have gone senile. That's a possibility too.

I'm just gonna quit posting now while I'm ahead (aka. Far, far behind)

chunter wrote:
Monotron wrote:

I live in the middle of nowhere Wyoming. Needless to say it isn't bustling.

Responding as a matter of sympathy, where I live the music scenes are small and strong, to the point where I have a good idea of who everyone is and feel that playing for or with them wouldn't break new ground for me. It is easy to bring an instrument to the docks and play for snow birds and tourists.

Wyoming is a big place, but my understanding is that there are tourist centers where you may get permission to busk if that's your feeling. If not, I understand that too.

I thought about doing some stuff around fair time, because that's when the most people show up, but I'm not sure how chiptune would go over well with the local yokels. The only live stuff I've done was at my school for a small class, which was received well, but I'm not sure how well people would receive chiptune here. For people who have played some stuff live in a public setting how did it go for you?


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Any other chip musicians/chip enthusiast in the 307, or am I all alone out here in this dustbowl?

I live in the middle of nowhere Wyoming. Needless to say it isn't bustling.

Honestly it's stuff like this that keeps me from jumping deep into the community here, or anywhere else for that matter. The idea that there has to be a certain standard for chipmusic and that experimentation/uncy tracks mean you're terrible and a noob and should quit. Yes, negative reinforcement is cool if it's constructive, but saying "You're new, your music is bad because you're new. Leave" is just stifling the community. Instead of bashing newcomers, you should help them get started. You don't need to hold their hands, I never had anyone to teach me lsdj/famitracker. I learned on my own time, but a little help never hurts.

To me at least, chipmusic is about creating something in a way that is unique and fun. It's sort of taking out the advanced-ness of modern tech and making music in a more intimate way. I think all this garbage about "real chipmusic" is a load of hoohey. Setting limits on what people should make just kills any creativity. There's no need to be a 24/7 tough guy just because someone asks you how to make an arp in LSDJ. You never know, that noob one day might bust out with some awesome tuneage the next.

TL;DR Shut up and get back to making music already.


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I Need A Medic wrote:

Pamplemousse. I seriously listened to that album like 200 times since I got it.

This, the only downside is how short it is.


(41 replies, posted in Releases)

Bought the physical CD, and loved it.


(91 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Something in my wallet is stirring...I really might end up buying that one with the pink buttons is it still up for sale?