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Topics by Fudgers
Posts found: 289-304 of 326
Yep, runs totally fine with LSDJ on the other card. I've also tested the affected card of several modded and non-modded gameboys, and it's the same deal.
An electrical issue makes sense. What leads me to believe it's something with software is that Song mode syncing remains unaffected, and I would think the same signals would be coming in for that.
He did mention he got the cart secondhand, so he probably wasn't given the disc. Kitsch's page here has all the relevant links right under the bulleted list
It's important to note, when installing those, whether your system is 32 or 64 bit. The 64 bit installation takes a few extra steps.
Alright, so I've done some troubleshooting, and I think I've narrowed down the issue to a specific EMS card of mine. The problem only shows itself when that card is running as a slave in Live mode; doesn't seem to change with the Gameboy. I think LSDJ might be corrupted on it. Are there any issues with holding LSDJ on the second page of a 64m card?
That's totally possible. I'm gonna try it out on a couple stock DMG's and see if I get the same thing.
herr_prof wrote:im just wondering if something is wrong with your mods, and when the 5v from the link goes from one to the other its fucking with the prosound mod on the affected dmg.
LSDJ doesnt do what your describing.
I had each gameboy running into separate portable speakers. Both are backlit/prosounded. One was running out of the prosound jack; the other is RCA and was using the stock headphone jack. Each played quietly is Slave mode.
In both cases, when played without sync, they put out more than enough volume.
My first thought was that perhaps LSDJ mixes automatically somehow by limiting an overall db level sort of like what happens to the Wav channel when the Pulse channels are too loud, so when I would play second Gameboy it would come out quiet. I can't imagine that would be true though, because I had them playing on a totally different speaker, so it would have to be capping it internally which makes no sense.
Alright, so I posted about this in another thread, but that one sort of returned to obscurity before I could get an answer.
Here's the problem: when I sync two instances of LSDJ Master/Slave in live mode, the slave gameboy plays significantly quieter than usual, almost to the point its inaudible. Without touching the volume pot, when I play the same gameboy as Master it plays at normal volume and the other gameboy is quieter. This doesn't seem to happen when syncing in song mode either.
Does anybody have any suggestions? I get the feeling this problem is just some dumb mistake I'm making, rather than anything being faulty.
I haven't ventured much into LSDJ sync, but I decided to try it out today. I've run into an issue, though. When I'm syncing 2 gameboys in live mode, I've found that the slave gameboy plays significantly quieter than normally to the point that it's difficult to hear. Without messing with the volume pot I play it in Master mode and it plays at normal volume. I feel like I'm doing something obviously wrong; anybody have any suggestions?
To be fair, those cartridges aren't specific to Kitsch's shop and don't reflect the quality of the products he builds and sells in his shop. They are EMS carts, and while they have sporadic issues including some bad batteries, they are virtually the only new flash cartridges available right now. Several different people sell them.
Auxcide wrote:Fudgers wrote:theyre still up at his shop. did you email him or pm him via cmo?
Email. Maybe someone has a more reliable address.
Edit: I contacted him through the email on his shop.
Hm, weird. I had a friend buy something from his shop ~a month ago. had a question, sent an email to the one on the shop, got a response within a couple days. can't vouch for now though.
if you're interested I have an extra printed board of m00dawg's shieldboy that'd i'd sell for 5+shipping. let me know!
theyre still up at his shop. did you email him or pm him via cmo?
Buy an EMS cart. They are the only cart that's really readily available right now, and they are relatively easy to use.
you can actually go really far with a minute of audio. don't restrict yourself to the same looping melody.
sampling an LSDJ patch into one of the SK's can breed some pretty interesting results. I like to think of it as its own effect.
Saskrotch wrote:wait wait can they put lsdj on it without a license
I believe this has been discussed to some degree on the Ninstrument thread (
g-updated/). They mentioned they would be doing something similar to what Nonfinite/Kitsch do with flash carts where they offer to flash LSDJ to carts with proof of license, so they wouldn't really be selling the software.
I was a bit unhappy with that comparison honestly. For one, their advertising really does seem to be overtly manipulative. They basically equate the LSDJ/MGB functionality with that of their product. My second problem is that their business model just isn't the same thing as Kitsch and Nonfinite. The product they're selling has very little functionality without LSDJ and virtually no midi capability without MGB.
What they're selling is an accessory to an already existing product. They really need to be clear and straightforward with that. For the most part, their product does something that costs ~$50. What they are marketing should be the build quality, accessibility, added stutter effects, etc. It's skeazy to build up press how they are.
Nearly half of that "product tour" is a demo of LSDJ/MGB 
Posts found: 289-304 of 326 / Forums / Posts by Fudgers