Is it a special nanoloop version or nanoloop 2?


(1 replies, posted in Releases)

I really enjoy the music you make.

It is indeed really loud. But omg the sound is SO clean. Love it.

turboninja I have both mods on my gameboy and it's fine, I can use the prosound output for lsdj/nanoloop 1 and the direct mono output for nanoloop mono.


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)


I believe the demo is just like oliver's original cart rom, except you can't save?

Exactly there is no limitations in the demo rom except for saving.
You can find different versions of the rom, with some of them I add a lot of trouble to setup the sync.

Ow thanks a lot! I'm gonna make the mod tommorow. I may add a resistor if the signal is too hot for my recording hardware.

And yeah please do get back into nanoloop mono, I really dig your music and nanoloop mono deserve some love. big_smile

pselodux wrote:

I did the direct out mod by connecting pin 31 of the cart connector and one of the ground points to a 3.5mm mono output (probably chose the wrong one as my screen now has a slight burn mark in it, oops

Could you share a photo of the soldering? I'm planning to make this mode but I don't want to make mistakes.

Thanks a lot!

I think you need to work more on details. I quite like the melody but it would be better with some variations and little details. Enveloppe and volume fades, are nice things to add for example.

A good exercise for learning a new software is to try to understand and copy some parts of songs you like (done in famitracker or not).

Keep up the good work!


It's not really my kind of music but it's very nicely done and recorded!

I love dead music.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There is a welcome thread here if you want to introduce you and your music :
And you can post your music here if you want some feedback and criticism!

Welcome here!

Sorry, I forgot that a GBA tracker exist. I never tested it and I think the development has been stopped. You can find it here : … 4G+Tracker

Nanoloop for gba is really great.

There is also  "nanoloop mono" that is really awesome, it's a cartridge for the DMG with some electronic components to transform it in a kind of hybrid/analog synth. I think it's my favorite version. If you want to create some kind of "new sounds" with a DMG it is worth a try.

DipSwitch wrote:

Would this be valuable in a tracker?  Are there ways to use this hardware with LSDJ?

Yeah, the GBA is really a great instrument, and a tracker for this handheld could be nice. And LSDJ used on a GBA can't ùa,ke anything else that classic DMG sounds.

I think the only software for writing music for the GBA is nanoloop 2. (there is also pocket music but it's really bad)


(20 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

It is indeed! Love the last track.

Sure we don't need this kind of thing.

.exe wrote:

Chipmusic has been a big part of my life and I'm glad this community is still a thing

I agree. I mostly have been a lurker here but this community is quite important for me.