2X4B wrote:

Awww man, that'd be so much fun! I'd love to start gigging but I don't really know where to start! I'm very new to chiptunes big_smile

Find chip people near you, if that fails, make your set-up compact and find an open mic to play.  Go to shows, talk to people.

no .it love? http://battleofthebits.org/arena/Entry/ … fet/12008/

kfaraday wrote:

why do you want to develop a personalised style

To stand out amongst your peers?  To be interesting to your audience?

DSC wrote:

I love to see development on any of the older consoles.  Just like anything else, if it's not for you, then don't buy it. 
I see love and research and development into this, so I encourage it.  Go ahead and knock it, but unless you yourself
have built something with love,than you really will not understand!  Everyone here knocks anything that costs over $100.
I don't really understand it, but it seems to be this is the rule here.

I just bought a Prophet 6.  I have always wanted a Prophet and could never afford it.  Now that I finally can, Dave gets back the Sequential name and redesigns the prophet with a new VCO design and updated layout.  I received it and the main board had a problem and needed to be replaced, which I did two days ago.  I have since spent the entire time playing with it and now I am starting a deep meaningful relationship with this instrument.  If you are going to evaluate all of your instrument relationships based on purely financial numbers, than you would never think to spend $2700.00 for a synth. Does that mean you NEED to spend $2700.00 to have a deep meaningful relationship, obviously NO,  But if you think that you may even be able to feel, understand and just for a moment glimpse at real synth design greatness that has been nurtured over the last three decades, than the price does not even enter your mind.  You just know you need it!  Not want, but NEED.  I obviously was not the only one in thinking this, because Dave sold out of this initial run of 500 in two days. 

Leave the hate and encourage the love.  Especially if you don't understand it!

There is a very big difference between a polyphonic analog synth and an NES in a fancy case.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If you're really set on using  a vst, use Sforzando, and find a drum soundfont you like somewhere.

LGPT Tables : Limited to 3 columns, but hop commands and groove manipulation mean you can do just about anything you want anyway.

Renoise Phrases: 12 note columns, 10 effect columns, but you're stuck dealing with LPB (which is only annoying if you're used to other PC trackers)

Just preference really.  I like tables better.


(20 replies, posted in Trading Post)

nymonym wrote:

I don't know how NeX built them in because I have not dared to take it apart. The little black button at the bottom center of the DMG in the video cycles through the arduinos, the lights on the top indicate which one you are using.

Also notable about this item is that it has built in MIDI through on both the right and left sides of the Game Boy, as can be seen in the video.

I'm sure NeX can answer any questions I cannot about the build itself.  smile

That's one arduino with six modes of operation.

It's hardpanning, so it will only send audio to one side.  You should check and see if you're recording in stereo though, and not to two mono channels.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

QuietMind wrote:

One thing that's always confused me is why, if you put a kill (K) command at the bottom of that table, it can create a loud click, even though the note is completely faded out at that point.

Victory Road wrote:

E00 doesn't actually stop the note playing, so you're probably better off using K commands once you start running complicated tables so you don't overload the CPU

but then if you're not using a brick or pocket you probably don't need to worry about CPU

The note being quiet enough for you to not hear doesn't mean anything to the CPU.  It just makes that click when you end a note with a K command.

Try testing it out in MIDI-OX?  Just to see if it's actually generating any midi events.

There have been Aboys that can sync multiple devices, yes, but to my knowledge, there have not been any that accept multiple midi INs.  You'd still want a midi THRU box like you have in your drawing to sync anything that isn't a gameboy.

I listen if I recognize a name, or I mess up and click a track on accident.  Say what you want about the music section, but it's one of the best places to just put an NSF and have it listenable with no rendering on your end smile

snesei wrote:

I've been thinking about a potential daw setup, I'm just conflicted a bit. Is there any way to have a Daw send a midi clock and then press start on lsdj and have it wait for the next bar to start up? Or would I still have to rely on beat matching for this?

Yes?  I think that's what the syncmap mode is for, but I might be crazy.

dapperwrench wrote:

Can't I just use the DAW clock to send to the gameboy?

No. Sadly, Ableton doesn't send straight up gameboy serial information, so you need an intermediary (an arduinoboy) to "translate" between the two.

It's a little bit more complicated than "wire splicing"  You'll need an arduinoboy to send midi clock to a gameboy. Good news though!  You can just plug a midi cable into anything else that accepts clock sync..


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Shruthi sold!


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It does!  The midi OUT port is configurable to be thru, midi out of the sequencer, just CCs and NPRNs from the knob movement, all of those, or nothing.  It's currently set up to just be midi thru.