(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

1-an0va - Ego Depletion
2-Zan-Zan - Moke Moke
3-Cheap Dinosaurs - Triangle Trash

Yes, you need the midiout version of the LSDJ rom and an arduinoboy.  I've been doing exactly what you're describing, it works and sounds great smile


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

LazierGunz wrote:

tables are nice to make chords more interesting than just the C command, like you could also put

for a slower chord arp

No need for all that.  You can use a G command in a table to call a different groove to alter the speed the table runs at.  for instance, you could slap a G01 on the first line of a table, and then go to G01 and set it to 2/2 to accomplish the same thing (and SO MUCH MORE)

yeah, the speed of the C command is static (and therefore kinda useless imo) tables are where it's at.


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This is also pretty useful http://aanaaanaaanaaana.net/page.php?di … =arpmaster


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

Feryl wrote:

Seems like everyone's doing the indie rock + chiptune thing all of a sudden.

Shhhhh don't scare them away.

Aww crap, I wrote it about a week and a half ago and never hit send -_-  Never mind man

Hey!  I definitely sent one as well?


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I wanna put something out in 2015, that's about it.

Great stuff!


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Wow!  This is seriously wonderful to listen to smile What sequencer/ hardware are you using here?

Bourbon and cat toys.

sandneil wrote:
spacetownsavior wrote:

http://www.tinymixtapes.com/features/20 … -criticism

You are all correct in the wrong ways always and never

its hard to see what possible motive a music critic on a music critics website might have for writing a massive piece about why music criticism is super important and vital shit that you have to be really clever to do

heart u sandneil.  That Owen Pallett article linked in there is pretty good though.

Chipmusic.org phi 101


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

As far as I can tell, the terminal is only needed for backup of a nanoloop cart?  I might be wrong though.  As for ableton, this should help, the device should be called something like nanoloop midi or nlmidi https://www.ableton.com/en/articles/usi … zers-live/


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

JodyBigfoot wrote:

"Sets the adaptor to nanoloop / LSDj sync mode. Once in sync mode, it will only listen to clock/start/stop messages and send the appropriate signals to the Game Boy, so that nanoloop / LSDj run in sync with a PC program. In the program, select "nanoloop MIDI" as the MIDI port for sync output.

should work with LSDJ

See i think my main problem is I don't understand how to use the terminal correctly

You can only send sync TO the gameboy.  Not from. If you're using LSDj, make sure you have it set to either midi or slave mode (experiment with which one works better for you, I had pretty variant results when I was trying stuff like this) and set up the adapter as a midi device.  Press start in ableton, and it should work.

I've probably written something like 20 this year?  Only happy with like 10 tops?