Magical 8bit plug and FMdrive are both great synths. Can't really help on the sequencer end, sorry
97 Dec 18, 2014 7:22 pm
Re: Your Favorite Sequencer? Favorite VST Synths? (17 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
98 Dec 7, 2014 12:37 pm
Re: LSDJ and Nanoloop mastered, where to go next? (32 replies, posted in General Discussion)
theres more replies tearing apart my comment than helping, great community guys, really supportive
You claimed to have mastered two of the most powerful tools for music chipmusic has. Of course you were ridiculed.
99 Dec 5, 2014 7:01 pm
Re: Chipocrite - "Little Computer People" music video (15 replies, posted in Releases)
I'm gonna call this as the best thing in chip 2014
100 Dec 5, 2014 2:26 pm
Re: LSDJ and Nanoloop mastered, where to go next? (32 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Famitracker is free, but if you at all think you have "Wrapped your head around every corner of LSDJ and nanoloop" you are so very, very misguided.
101 Dec 4, 2014 12:04 am
Re: How do you feel about the band called Crying? (69 replies, posted in General Discussion)
It's not my place to say, but I feel like they don't have much to be complaining about.
So they're a chip band?
102 Dec 3, 2014 11:46 pm
Re: How do you feel about the band called Crying? (69 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Back to the band called 'Crying', I checked out their twitter. One thing I found kind of perplexing was whoever runs it was ranting about all the album reviewers referring to them as 'emo', presumably due to their name. Assuming that emo is bad because it now means 'immature', whining about album reviews on twitter is a pretty emo thing to do. Aren't Jimmy Eat World considered to be one of the pioneering 'emo' bands? They're a great freaking band, there's nothing wrong with them being 'emo'.
Though, at the end of the day, the band referred to as 'Crying' is kind of emo.
Probably refering to the emo movement that broke off of hardcore in the 80s. Jawbreaker and Sunny Day Real Estate, which was sadly co-opted by crappy bands everywhere in the 2000s. There was semi-recently kind of a revival I guess? But I'm guessing their complaint was that they don't consider themselves an emo band, despite having a bunch of the stylistic hallmarks of being one (super melodically driven, all those guitar parts, etc) and the cultural problems in that scene (misogyny).
103 Dec 2, 2014 10:14 pm
Re: How do you feel about the band called Crying? (69 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Crying are seriously the best thing happening in chipmusic right now.
104 Nov 29, 2014 4:43 pm
Re: LSDJ Complete Drum Kit on Noise Channel (15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
You can totally do all of your drums in the noise channel! You can make cymbal sounds pretty basically with just the envelope. Snares are easy too, I usually do an envelope with a decay of 1 or 2, and a shape of like FE or FD.
Kick drums are where things get more whacky. The biggest thing is that you have to do a sweep down, to make it sound different than what that snare patch might sound like. To be honest, I didn't ever figure it out on my own, and had to have a friend show me like a year ago. The basic idea is an envelope with a decay of 1, a shape of FC and then a table that looks like this:
1 00--00
2 00-SF0
3 00-SF0
4 00-SE0
5 00--00
6 00-H05
It makes it so that the noise sweeps down in pitch pretty quick, and sounds like a kick drum.
105 Nov 25, 2014 1:39 am
Re: IAYD On the needledrop (44 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Y'all I don't understand why my shitty opinion is a big deal
106 Nov 25, 2014 1:35 am
Re: IAYD On the needledrop (44 replies, posted in General Discussion)
As a biased chip musician you're missing the point Wimmer. His sound design may not be the most groundbreaking thing to ever chiptune, but it's a great showcase to someone who doesn't listen to chip music to show that the Gameboy can sound fucking gnarly (remember the audience!). The timbre IS awesome, especially to someone who hasn't heard of it before.
Also, your comment is analogous to saying "this Diplo record is lame, you should check out Thelonious Monk"
the audience is people who are watching the needledrop.
I just don't like dance music, I don't like gameboy wubs, and I don't want people to think that's all we've got, so I said something.
108 Nov 24, 2014 12:22 pm
Re: Famicompo Pico (27 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yeah, I'm gonna have to do at least one for each category.
109 Nov 21, 2014 2:00 am
Re: Live Mode: Is it a must for live shows? Is song mode cheating? (63 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Anything you can do in live mode, you can do better in song mode so you don't fuck it up every time you play. If you really feel the need to perform, grab your whatever, and do some "fake dj" stuff. Jump around, have fun with it. Or just get a shitty casio and play some leads or chords and no one can say anything about you "not performing"
110 Nov 20, 2014 9:42 am
Re: How Is The Drummer Counting This?? (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Sorry for the double post but this is kinda referring to my Tera Melos post before:
I actually count things kinda weird. I don't count by the measure, I count by the beat. So everything to me is 1/4 I guess, and then when a smaller/larger subdivision occurs I then use that to count upwards.
So a pattern of 3/4, 5/8, and then 4/4 to me would just be:
one, one, one, 1-2-3-4-5, one, one, one, one
So basically I only use numbers other than "1" when it's not a traditional quarter beat. For me it simplifies what you're thinking about because even counting is still an active mathematical process that takes mental ability. This makes it really easier for me to write and play the super complicated stuff because you're no longer adding up numbers to the bar but taking the "buffer size" down to a single beat and working from there. That's how the Tera Melos guys do it sometimes and it's how they're able to seamlessly add/remove a beat into certain parts. They're not focused on the groove of the measure but instead each individual beat.
Of course, you'll likely never write anything dance-able with this thought process. But this is math rock I'm talking about here, you don't dance - you spaz
Same. Solarbear got me into it, and it makes things so much easier. Although to be honest I hardly ever count out my own stuff like this, I tend to make my drums more "groove" based than anything, but for stings? Hell yes, this is the best thing.
111 Nov 19, 2014 6:26 pm
Re: What's your favorite song you've ever written? (24 replies, posted in General Discussion)
This was quite sadly easy for me
112 Nov 4, 2014 1:12 pm
Re: [PTE052] Please Lose Battle - Bedroom EP (8 replies, posted in Releases)
I've been listening almost nonstop since it came out. So gooooooooood!!!!!!!