tea. I might go an do a poo in a bit as well while listening to Serge Gainsborough.
hahaha oh damn...celle la ma tué ! XD
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by XyNo
tea. I might go an do a poo in a bit as well while listening to Serge Gainsborough.
hahaha oh damn...celle la ma tué ! XD
make sure you get a mouse!
maxYMiser will support 520 machines, but the most fun option is a 1040STe because you get an extra soundchip for sample playback, proper audio outs, upgradeable memory and it formats PC disks
xyno: the MIDI output supporting version of maxYMiser was actually out 7 months ago or something
Ohh damn I'm totally late then !!! hahaha Still a great tracker man, thumbs up !!! (Finally kicked my ass to learn that instrument editor !!! XD)
La Blanche de Shawi
A white beer from Shawinigan, a city in Quebec !
I have an Atari 520 STFm for sale, but I'm in the US.
I don't think Musicmon will run if it's still with 520k ram !
I think I will throw one of the patch I did on my Korg MS2000r...
So weird and ambient !
I will get it when I will have some $ to give it to her !!!
XC3N just sent me the link ! Will try this out !
Musicmon looks awesome! Why did I not find this before? Maybe use both?! Thanks!
I also heard that ST's had MIDI capabilities? If so, then is there any software that I could use to control MIDI synths using the ST? Because that would be awesome.Edit: How do you put programs onto it? Copy on to floppy disk and then put the floppy disk in ST or?
The ST have MIDI I/O, and you are lucky you can control synths on MaxYMiser since the last version (which was out something like 2-3 months ago !)
And for the disks it's a little bit tricky but easy to do...
you need to tape the one of the hole on the floppy (not the with the write protection but the other) use a computer with Win XP or lower and format the disk in 720k ! (You got the choice in the floppy format screen !)
thebitman wrote:I've never seen a A1200 sell for less than $300.
I literally just bought a 1200 for $250 and $70 shipping.
It did have a cf card installed and a bit more ram.
But still so ridiculous.
Also I don't like how it sticks out of the PCIMCIA port. Looks ugly.
sounds like you got it on amigakit am I right ?!
I made a quick search on aminet and I found this !
Musicmon 2.5e
HOLY F... I TOTALLY LOVE GARBAGE ON TITAN !!! I listened it this morning !!!
Yuki Satellite is just mindblowing !!! (Radix is the man !!!)
Well if you love these oldschool mods I highly suggest you to check out stuffs by jogeir, tempest, maktone, syphus, wiklund, Pink of abyss and Virt !
Sharing .LSDSNG files is better imo, only one song and you can put it where you want in your sav !
Posted 2-3 old songs on this website !
8/b/c is back
I lol'd !
YESS !!! Thanks gwEm, keep up the good work man !!!
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by XyNo