tempsoundsolutions wrote:

just release 2cd's, i think its way more rewarding...somethin about putting out 2cd albums screams 'DONT FUCKIN SLEEP', if you put out a 2cd and then follow it up with a 2cd, labels start thinking you are some sort of ed dmx or jimi tenor, which is WHAT YOU WANT

Without getting too far off topic, as far as record companies are concerned i dont think they want you to make a double album anymore.  There is too much money being lost on music as it is, they might as well see what they can get out of two releases at that point.  Disclaimer, people still produce the double cd yes, and i have a few double lp's i love myself but i digress if its a themed album it tends to make a little bit more sense (obviously) to have a double, tons of tracks packed onto a 2 disc set with no theme isnt crazy but its got a wicked case of "too many eggs in one basket" syndrome

well i will definitely check it out, like i said if you want to roll around ideas or if you want a second opinion on something just let me know.

hey ive been using ds-10 since its launch.  I would love to see some ds-10 workshops popping up, its been around long enough.  Also if you would like to roll around some ideas pm me or email skeetwreck @ yahoo . com

what buddy christ said

im down, shoot me a pm if your interested.

pikoboy wrote:

Thanks! I'll check these places out :-D

Let me know if any of you in the area are interested in gathering for meetings!

Also, I'm going to UDetroit tomorrow supporting snesei his first live chiptune performance.

Should be fun.

Damn it that would be fun to go to, finals this week and next ruin xmas fun.

noisewaves wrote:

the dreamland theatre in ypsilanti is usually a safe bet for shows, its a decent venue located downtown.

the the b side is also a great venue in downtown ann arbor that does all ages shows.

other places to look at would be the blind pig, the half ass (i dont know if they still do shows though), the metal frat, those are all located in ann arbor and surrounding area. you almost always get a good turn out if you advertise to students since u of m is right there.

This is true, the "far house" is also in ann arbor saw sascrotch there last febuary i want to say, it was a pretty cool place, you could probably find those fellas on facebook.


(9 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

i can only make ultra generic beats or weird noise nonsense with an analog sequencer, but dont allow me to discourage you, those things are fun to play with and im certainly not saying that if i cant use one good no one can.

just keep sending me PM's to remind me ive been looking.  In my free time, ive been studying like crazy for finals and working until late.

snesei wrote:

As long as I have 2 weeks notice I'm good for any weekend!

e.s.c. wrote:

i thought id heard mccarthys closed since the last time i played there

Blast the last time i was there the sound system wasnt so terrible, oh well, we need another hole in the wall now.

McCarthys pub should be something to look into, just see what they have to say about their pa situation.

i dont think were worried about the turn out, as of yet, there are no official plans.  That being said plannings key, i think we all really obviously want an excuse to get together.  I checked out a record store in ferndale last night, the guy seemed interested to have us in there, but the place is really small, even if just the players showed up i cant see everyone fitting in there.  Also i checked out an italian restaurant that does a karaoke thing after 9:30 they seemed hesitant but willing, i gotta call the lady tomorrow.  Im still looking for a bar, though the italian place had one.

Moriokun wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

im going to have to say that nowhere in chicago really draws for chip gigs (or most types of electronic music, for that matter)...not saying it cant happen, but id say its unrealistic to expect more than 20 or so attendees for a chip gig in chicago... think the most ive seen was around 50 at an all-chip gig... think more people were at the night of gli.tc/h that minusbaby & nullsleep played, but that was roughly half gig, half loft party and they werent charging at the door

edit: also, why do gigs need names?

What you're saying doesn't give me much hope for a larger venue, but I do think that a chiptune scene can grow in Chicago. I'm starting to think that maybe I should get a show together at the Enemy, the loft/venue used to host the Gli.tc/h show, and get a bunch of local acts from around the midwest. If we're lucky we can draw a similar size crowd and maybe turn it into a monthly/bimonthly show if it's a success. Over time we can get larger crowds and work up to a larger venue. They're probably not gonna charge any or much money so they're isn't much to lose other than our time.

This is a step in the right direction, seeing as its not local it shouldnt be monthly, bi-monthly can work.  Would it be totally blasphemous to get some other acts that arnt particularly chip?  I think broadening the spectrum couldnt hurt the attendance rating, make it more appealing to more people.

edit:  after posting that i realized that gigs have names to make them more marketable see post.

Moriokun wrote:
DJCactus wrote:

i really wanted an excuse to party too, maybe later this month or after next semester ill try to get a venue.(it would be here in michigan though)

I'd be up for that. Be best if we did it on a weekend, saturday would be best. Start a new thread if your serious about putting a show together!

Listen i have alot of obligations, i work full time and school full time, when the semester ends, i can look around ive played a few places out here and i think there are even better places to play, i think its possible but i wont promise anything until as youve already said i start another thread.

do you use only the computer?  If you have some outboard gear maybe hook something up to your aux sends on your mixer, maybe a pedal or fx processor?