(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

No if porns on the gameboy we are bogging down how many things we could be doing at once, what if we had porn on the computer then tetris could still be played one handed leaving you still with one free hand.  Doing two things and whatever else you want.

starmelt wrote:

I always write in-medium nanoloop, intirely from scratch, usually starting off with a bassline in the S-channel. After using nanoloop for quite a few years now, I tend to know which direction to go when I'm listening for sounds to use, but I find new sounds every time I use it by just playing around. Theres always something new to be discovered. And starting from scratch on each new track, really enhance that experience. I've had little success when trying to convert pieces into nanoloop, so I've basically given up on that. If im tracking for other projects not chiprelated, I'm using a midiboard.

I tried covering pachabels cannon in d last year around xmas on my 2.3 cart and its pretty tough to take sheet music ideas and to stuff them into nanoloop.


(5 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

i just lost so much time, i dont know if i should say thank you or not, i looked at so many.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Chainsaw Police wrote:
HPizzle wrote:

leave myself voicemails humming song ideas.

You're an ideas man.

i tried using a tape recorder for a while, but when it came down to listening to all my brilliant song ideas i couldnt really tell exactly what i was doing.  Fill a tape with ideas and try to pick up where some thought process was going on is harder then it seems.  Alot more goes on in the brain then the voice lets you recreate at one time

TraceKaiser wrote:

There is already USB DS chargers out there though, for fairly cheap.
It'd be kinda cool on SP, but then again, I have a wall socket....

Yeah ive seen the usb chargers around.  My wife found the sweetest car charger at the gas station of all places that has three male jacks(gigity) that can charge a ds, dsi, or gba micro.  Pretty cool, the packaging suggested that you shouldnt try charging more then one thing at a time.  If only i didnt care for my things i would have tried it.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

well yeah im gonna have to be the broken record and say "thats what staff papers for" and if your asking who carries it around, im going to say me.  Trying to draw out a nanoloop map would be kinda ridiculous.  Also i wouldnt be able to get the pitches on paper down without a keyboard, it would take a long time to get the mental sound image to figure out whether or not i was just wasting my time.

i love my wurlitzer multi-matic percussion organ i got it at the thrift store for about 80$  Its got some cool effects, gotta love the rotating speakers and the percussion feature gives you a knob to fluctuate the speed of drum articulation, which if you dont choose a drum it goes strait to your instruments that are switched on very very cool.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hes got issues.  I feel bad for his little brother.

it depends on what im working on, im generally a recreational musician outside of a couple of gigs at bars every now and again.  If im transposing something to paper it really helps me to sit in front of my organ and figure the notes out then apply to medium.  This is usually circumstantial though, on the other hand i do write some great melodies or get good chord progression ideas from the organ and then again plug into medium.  Its a major mood issue, if im just grooving with my gba or ds stand alone my tracks usually turn out much different then i originally intend them(not always a bad thing but sometimes annoying when you have an idea but cant express it)  Sometimes i just want to jam out or do something random to surprise myself without the help of a keyboard.  On the saxophone i only jam out, im not really that great so its a me zen time kind of thing.  Occasionally i will make a random groove track to play to a beat and bass line though.


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SKGB wrote:

fuck the haters, this shit is awesome

reminds me when I was a kid and i used to dream of being a stop motion animator

no one is hating from what i can tell.


(19 replies, posted in General Discussion)

video is awesome I dont really know how i feel about the band though, or am i just being too polite?  When you had first mentioned stop go i had thought you maybe did a stop go claymation, which would have been cool, but this works for me just as well, great job.  I dont know how many professionals would have had the patients to use a gb camera.

you know i have two nintendos and only one midi nes...  but i cant imagine using both of them, the one i have doesnt see much use as is.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like the new layout, looks sharp and the browsing options on the home page can take you just about anywhere.

once again, virt has made my life that much better

Bit Shifter wrote:

I'm glad Crystal Castles has emerged from their identity crisis and settled into their niche of Conference Rock.

heeeeeeeyooooo, i heard they were doing elevator music next, now their really moving up!

oooooooooooooooooooh shit