

(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

barbeque wrote:

Old poster i did. 

Oh snap. Youve been holding out on me!


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i like to go on after i know everyones started drinking, or at least after ive started drinking, one of those two makes it better.


(53 replies, posted in General Discussion)

danimal cannon wrote:

No formal training, but I,ve been playing since I was 12.

Taught myself theory and play with a lot of trained players.  Took a theory class in college and already knew everything.

For the longest time i had trouble making my own music due to formal training, because they teach you everything thats inside the musical box, but they dont teach you how to think outside of it.

the passed 3 years or so ive been coming out of that shell, but i feel like i was crippled for the longest time by the "i shouldnt do it that way" mentality


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

theghostservant wrote:
A Versus B wrote:

Sometimes I like to reel em in with some smooth stuff that i SHIT ALL OVER THEIR FACES (Metaphorically)!!

this should not be a metaphor, but in fact a reality.

This happened...


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A Versus B wrote:

Sometimes I like to reel em in with some smooth stuff that they can relate to and theyre all like "Oh well this is surprisingly OK, I think ill hold hands with my girlfriend and we'll like, square dance or whatever the fuck", but then i SHIT ALL OVER THEIR FACES (Metaphorically)!!

almost a GG allin reference.


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

noisewaves wrote:

just keep playing dude.

if you are really passionate about your music it will shine through, and eventually you wont care if people are interested or not.

whether i play for 2 people or 200, as long as im passionate about my music, its always fun

This being said my favorite gigs to play are the ones where only the bands and other acts show up(with an exception to their ladies and friends).  If everyone gets chummy things are always a blast and everyone just looks to play their raddest set with some beer and new acquaintances.

Though the disinterested dont scare me, now if the dance floor clears out im an anxious wreck.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

robot hoooooooooooouse!


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

I did these tees for a chip show a few years back.  its now the logo for Piko Piko Detroit

we keep it cold

heres some dude that mods gameboys wearing one.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nickmaynard wrote:
DJCactus wrote:

I think were getting too crazy on the arguing semantics at every corner possible, this is a work in progress.  I dont know about the gameboys but im pretty sure a video out for a nintendo is more then just possible and this things a proto type.  chip maestro hasnt even shipped yet(successfully funded 10x the amount required in june)

i bet theres plenty of time to iron out some problems and implement new ideas.  cant we get stoked for anything?

my question about video out wasn't meant to be crazy, argumentative, or discouraging. i'm geniunely curious.

not you, i was just continuing the discussion, im sorry i ment more so the ultra negativity.  I wasnt so good at breaking up what i was saying into clear sections.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I think were getting too crazy on the arguing semantics at every corner possible, this is a work in progress.  I dont know about the gameboys but im pretty sure a video out for a nintendo is more then just possible and this things a proto type.  chip maestro hasnt even shipped yet(successfully funded 10x the amount required in june)

i bet theres plenty of time to iron out some problems and implement new ideas.  cant we get stoked for anything?


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

Smiletron operates at 50 mega albums a year


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I would love to see a demo with chip maestro, in fact, never went live what did they end up calling it instead?

Great work!  Though i kind of like using the controller, but with midines its not like you use it other then the initial set-up anyways.

edit:  and i love your clear minines cart!  too bad it will never see the light of day.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i would love a classic chip sounding rack.  The idea is great i like what you have now and i hope you do more variations in the future.  It sounds like the interest is there, i hope at some point a kit or something will become available.

tempsoundsolutions wrote:

start doing soundtracks from commercials for board games.

cross fire... Cross fire!...  CROSS FIRE!