(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

Can I haz watermellon, Satan? Pleeeeease evil majesty, pleeeease

That's focking hot!!!!!!!!


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Thank you again for going into this.


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

What is the size, KeFF?


(32 replies, posted in Releases)

DKSTR wrote:

For a more song / groove oriented person like me its little bit all over the place, I liked also 24 & 38, but they could have been better with keeping only 2-3 parts. Stay with things little bit longer, work on your sense of melody, make drums punchier. But then again, if its intented to be proggy then go crazy.

That was the general feeling I had too... I felt it too random for me as well xD But yeah, it's a different focus and sounds quite cool. Keep it up!


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Nobody's got any of these??


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

No deal with SBSM, so this is still available.

Lazerbeat wrote:

Heh, therin lies a trick.

Let's make a contest or something to encourage this practice! xD

Well... yeah, but make everyone do that themselves... xD

Lazerbeat wrote:
jefftheworld wrote:

I think that's actually an awesome idea.

This is defacto possible now. If you wanted to start a rotating monthly curated "best of cm.o" thread linking your favorite tunes for a month then passing on to another user for the following month I would totally listen.

Would it be difficult to implement a "Recommmended artist list" to all of our Profiles or something like that?

Not sure if you'd be interested in this:
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/9802/ … kemon-gbc/


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hi guys!

I'm after my first serious modded DMG made all by myself. I already have everything I need, except for a DMG : P I'm looking for a stock, cheapy one. I don't mind its aesthetical state, as long as the internal screen and the system is properly working (I'll only use the two PCB's and the buttons, since the case will be a custom one).
Same thing for the Pocket. This one is essentially for making some test on the backlighting process, so that I don't screw my pocket screen!

Same thing for the DMGs probably, providing they're not backlit.

The reggaeton groove in the middle worried me a little : P

@SBSM That one was the only I could find which was relatevely easy to find, but it's actually more expensive than a 3DS flash cart!!!! That's why I was asking if someone knew of a shop in which they had it for a reasonable price.

It seems that only very few flashcarts had RTC, and none of them is still in production, so they are quite rare to find /expensive... According to what I just read.

Yeah, I do know you can use a 64M on a GBA, I just wanted to keep it small : P
I have a few DMG's and EMS cartridges, but I wanted to make LSDJ as portable as possible for buses and that sort of stuff.

And so apart from that, which GBA cartridges have a RTC? For gaming, that is.

That's a shame! Mostly what I wanted was to use LSDJ and Nanoloop on them.
I'd appreciate if you said how that one works once you receive it.

And so I'd like to add another question: Is there a GBA flash cart compatible with nanoloop and LSDJ?