(17 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Ooooohhh. Right on. Like.. if I intend to pig on another platform. Gotcha.


(17 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

i suppose from my lack of experience with the program i don't see the benefit, but i trust i'll see the benefit eventually and check back here for your suggestion.

As some of you might have gleaned from my piggy topics, I'm totally new with LGPT. Its awesome, yes, but it also seems from first glance that it makes some simple stuff complicated by (what could be my ignorance) a lack of non-sample based frequency modulation. Is there any built-in wave form usage a la LSDJ? Or is the only real similarity the UI? I've loaded a boat load of tracker food into the program, and I can get some great sounds out of it, but for simple sin/saw/square/tri wave sounds am I "limited" to using samples? Maybe I'm looking at it through the filter of my LSDJ experience, which could be causing me to look at piggy as limited, and lsdj as more open and with more sound control possibilities.

I understand the loop parameters which affect the tonality of a sample in the same way that drawing a wave in lsdj affects wave tonality, but I suppose I'd love to discover that there's a middle ground, much in the way that users can control tone of instruments in nanoloop.


(17 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

seperate config and mapping xmls worked for me.

definitely an NPR/PRI bumper. I'd be so stoked.


(17 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Awesome. thanks for spelling it out for me. Thanks everyone for the help. I suppose I just failed to put it all together in my head when reading the docs.


(17 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

i imagine i just place the xml file next to the eboot?  i guess i took the cue of "nothing much can be done with config file unless you're on a gpx2" and thought it might not be supported, though now on that =lgpt:config page i see an "etc" after listing xml file locations for windows and gamepark.


(17 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

So.. I've dug around in documentation and it looks like I might be s.o.l. on changing some stuff up. Unless I can create a config file to live next to my piggy eboot, is there no way to change button mapping, or skins?

edit: figured it out.

edit: no, I didn't.

i had to clear out my paypal account for rent this month, so unfortunately my short-lived pledge has been canceled. Lets keep in touch as this moves forward, I'd really like to be a part of this project.

uXe - i feel terrible suddenly, such a vulture! i guess thats my way of showing some sort of support. i'd like to see this thing live in some fashion.

I'm curious how many units you've got assembled currently. At least one, for proof of concept. In the event that this doesn't get off the ground, I'd love to get my hands on a prototype.

looking into it the best i could tell was that the only electronics were on the side where the ribbon cable connected, where the LED is nestled. though.. considering i had to purchase an SP and gut it for the part, I wasn't about to assume I knew everything about it, and left the guide alone. if you can confirm from experience that you can cut down the guide, then next time I mod a GBC it gets to keep those two middle support posts. thumbs up.

steer clear of transformer. he has an appropriately bad rap. i'd suggest starting with other mods, to get you familiar with the process and concepts, and maybe find a music production method that fits with your experience. there are ways to sync LSDJ with DAWs like ableton, etc. but they aren't simple mods, and tend to require knowledge on the part of the modder, the acquisition of a miriad of parts, and lots of patience. I suggest starting out with a DMG and an EMS cart w/LSDJ loaded on it. If you aren't getting the results you want out of that, you're only going to complicate things by diving into a midi sync project.

i wasn't entirely sure how the sheath worked, and because its hard to see inside where the beveled edge of the light screen enters to located traces and such, i decided to keep it as is, and only cut down the light screen. of course this meant i had to remove more plastic than normal on the inside, including the 2 middle posts that are part of the 6-screw group that seals the GBC case. no biggy, it holds together well and you can't even tell they're missing.

uXe - very interested in LCD, pm'd.

i'm all about this. was just commenting on piggy faq about rasbian, and this could be an awesome solution for using the powerful Rpi for piggy. the form factor would be right up my alley. this would be made very attractive if you buckled down on a source for some confirmed ease-of-implementation LCD screens for people looking to buy your product and build it in a DMG case.