
(20 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

heart DSI smile


(8 replies, posted in Trading Post)

im interested carl
i think mine died today


(7 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

ahh didnt realize...i just bookmark a song from each artist i want to hear and wait for them to upload..i had never thought of a reason to bookmark more than one song for the artist....


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah but using a consitent artist name so your fans can find you again on subsequent releases is not the same as basically deciding a costume scheme for your band to share


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sorta, though i was talking more about the fact that some musicians just dont want to be famous, some do...i tend to respect musicians who are famous more if they are the type who werent trying to be famous, but more just tried to make music their concern...like luke said, trying to get on a relatively minor label for tour support and help doing that sort of shit i dont mind..its more when people have this goal of becoming famous that it bothers me, since often then they focus on doing what it takes to achieve fame, not on just writing songs that they enjoy writing....
as far as i fight dragons, i dont know them well enough to know if they are just becoming famous or they are trying to be famous, though i am personally put off them a little by the whole "we all wear clothes that thematically match" thing as well as the way they present themselves (and the manner in which they use chip elements), which do make me think that their interest in chip music may be less than genuine and more about marketing...again, this is based mostly off the way they present themselves as a band, so i cant be sure...but if thats not the case, they may wish to pursue new ways of presenting themselves, ie not coordinating their clothing


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

likeluke wrote:

and just so i'm clear on this: is the general consensus that if you want to be a famous musician, you're doing it for the wrong reasons?

no, not necessarily...
just im saying i think its wrong to assume that its everyone's motivation
i think there are numerous reasons to make music and few of them are anything id consider a "wrong" reason..


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

i dont think anyone suggested only unknown artists (at least i hope not)..though you have to admit that initial obvious list would get pricey to fly in, and even if it draws 1000 people @ $10 each, that could pose a problem for paying the artists & covering travel expenses after the venue gets its fair share


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

thank you bit shifter for putting roughly what i was attempting to say in far better words smile


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

likeluke wrote:

also, as was stated by pete in the 8bc thread regarding IFD, there is literally nothing they've achieved that anyone on this forum couldn't if you worked hard enough. we can all put in the effort to make it to their level if we want, it's just about your work ethic. seriously, once one of us makes it big, they alone are not responsible for how the chip scene is represented - we all are.

well, its about your work ethic and what your intentions for your music are...


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i was actually going to do this with nanoloop at one point...still might, though obviously that would be a situation where i carefully chose who to send it to and who they sent it to next (and make each person record their track before they mail it to be safe)


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

8bitweapon wrote:

Most artists (chip or otherwise) are promoting a product to obtain money, fame, or both. Whether you are doing it for money and/or for notoriety makes no difference. Otherwise if you were really "just doing it for the music and/or yourself", you wouldn't post it up in a public place with the intention of being discovered by people and hopefully shared. Because "its not about that" right?

i disagree totally...wanting to share things youve made creatively doesnt mean you are seeking fame or cash, but you may just be a human being trying to express yourself and connect with others

though i suppose this is less common in LA wink


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

herr_prof wrote:

I dunno when trying to fill a giant room, is obvious such a bad idea? The tough part of curation is balancing the cool with the commercial. big_smile

only problem i saw with it was the high number of out of country or opposite coast people due to the extra airfare costs...but yeah, id think if it were all day and 12-14 acts were squeezed in, id split roughly with 7-8 big names (with msot of these being local or close enough to drive at least, but 2-3 international people from countries with cheap airfare to new york), 3-4 lesser known locals & semi locals & 3-4 lesser known people from far reaches or north america, maybe even a canadian...
something along those lines to balance needs of cost & curation variety while still having enough well known bigger name acts to draw in out of state attendees


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

George wrote:
Anamanaguchi wrote:

My advice: don't follow advice, do what you want.

Especially not mine (that was not an advice, but an opinion), I'm probably not representative of this scene.

i agree with you actually, though ive usually heard everyone playing blip before (at least a few tracks)...but im not really representative of the tastes around here myself
id think itd be important to not get caught up in the bigger better grander thing, as making the dream lineup would have you spending more than youd possibly take in at the door just to cover artists' travel, much less pay, house and maybe buy them a pizza...new york artists are an obvious help to this situation as would be working with out of towners to arrange car pools when possible, etc...dont go into this budgeting to have a sellout crowd, or youll be out a lot of cash...
best bet is to go heavier on local acts and lesser knowns, an overseas artist or two (maybe three) but try to keep your total travel expenses low


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

next step is clearly to do another, this one with spring reverb wink
no, this is seriously a cool mod, even if im personally not too into reverb


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

lutin wrote:
Esopus-dragon wrote:

I found more of my physical copies just now, but for recommendations see posts on pages 1 & 6.

Beck - Bad Cartridge / Bit Rate Variations in B-Flat (These are remixes by Paza (The X-Dump) of songs on the CD "Guero", not original Beck songs worked on chipsets.)
The 8-bit Construction Set - Atari Vs. Commodore (Check out the data programs etched in vinyl.)

Outside of 8bp050, what releases is he featured on? None I know about. And that's pathetic because he's awesome. neutral

Check out his 8bc profile and Myspace, he has some solid live tracks available.

theres also some stuff he linked in the nanoloop forum


(7 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

possible, but theres also absolutely no need to bookmark more than one track from an artist, since youre bookmarking the artist, not the song