Sounds like a fun project. I have two questions though. Can the songs be unpleasant (tonally), crappily composed and abrasive? Will a cover/booklet be designed using only stock images? If the answer to these questions are "yes", then I'm in.


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Excuse Bit wish, he works in marketing. Those shirts and posters look great!


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SketchMan3 is a strapping fellow, with a snappy wit and gentlemanly demeanor, and resourceful beyond measure in all manner of ThouCylinder. Excellent discovery chap!!


(99 replies, posted in Releases)

Cooshinator wrote:

If I were deaf I wouldn't be making chiptune, but that doesn't mean my not-deafness caused me to make chiptune.

This is brilliant! Thank you, Cooshinator, you made my day big_smile
I think we should all benefit from chip music potentially becoming a 'thing', I'm starting a semi-religious, chip-infused, mallcore, cover-band called IBleepForYou, profit, break away from those fans and become 'underground' again, sell-out again, repeat, repeat, repeat, until I become rich and famous enough to retire and start my own chipmusic forum to lament the death of the genre.


(99 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm saying that people saying "If they were/weren't (x) they wouldn't be where they are now" are full of shit, it's not their sound or luck that caused success, it's hard work and well orchestrated networking.


(99 replies, posted in Releases)



(99 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm so sorry that some people here are so tainted and bitter that you don't want others to be successful. Do you feel like they stole YOUR 15 minutes of fame? These guys have been working hard and sticking to their guns for long enough to truly deserve any and all the success/mainstream attention they are receiving. It's not about being niche, unique or whatever, it's about staying with one thing long enough for it to become your 'signature' and networking. And to all you naysayers; Anamanaguchi made it, you didn't, get over it and try harder, or don't and stay miserable, whatever.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

WOWHOLYSHIT, the track with Auxcide is AMAZING, and seriously, this whole album is SUPERB!!!
I enjoy the melodies on this release, perfect for a roadtrip (my opinion), thanks for the tunes shanebro.
I also really love the cover art, who made it?


(4 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

What a solid chip EP, DarkOyster. Very good job man, not the kind of thing I would normally go for, but I like this one!

Lol, that would be awesome. I will bring some friends and then there will be at least 5 people at your gig!!!! Shit, I will even bring my cats! This party is going to be off the hook son!!!!!


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

This is nice, as are all your other releases. Thank you.

Optimus Chad, vile_plume, SuperBustySamuraiMonkey, Slime Girls, Aonami, Anamanaguchi.


(7 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Well, there are endless many ways to do it, but I would recommend starting with something BASIC like Beepola, which is also free
It has the most basic chip sounds and does not require you to make your own instruments and stuff, you can create melodies and simple songs "out-of-the-box". I think it might be a good introduction to trackers (this is the type of software normally used to make chipmusic).
I'm also pretty new to this, but I'll be willing to help you as much as I can, so if you have specific questions about certain software or need some guidance, send me a P.M.


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

Wow! This is nice, sounds like rusty nails and gravel being sampled in LSDJ.
My ears just got Tetanus, thank you.

Can't believe I missed this one.
Thanks dude.


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

What games are built in with these GB Boys? Are the games the same for both the GB Boy and the GB Boy Colour? Also, can the backlight be turned off like on the Gameboy Light?