- Low-bit envelopes
- LFO for pulse-width modulation, FM, and Granularity
- Vibrato
- Pitch Attack
- Arpeggiator with basic chords
- Volume keyscaler (Volume decreases with increasing pitch)
- Note glide
- Key velocity
- Pulse, Sine, Triangle, Saw, and Pseudo-Noise (NEW)
- FM Mode for Sine, Triangle and Saw (NEW)
- Granularity for Pseudo-Noise (NEW)
- Monosynth Mode (NEW)
So, here she is, in her second (actually third) incarnation. You will note that the interface hasn't changed much, but the goal was always to keep it simple. Here's a run down on the new features:
Clicking on the Medusa picture will now change the OSC mode between square, sine, triangle, saw and pseudo-noise. Each has it's individual bit-depth, based purely on what I thought sounds good (excuse my egoism here). The OSC mode also controls the attribute you change with the 'Pulse' slider / LFO.
Mode Bits Pulse effect
Pulse 4* Pulse Width
Sine 8 FM
Triangle 6 FM
Saw 4 FM
Noise 5* Granularity
*) The waveform is 1-bit but uses an envelope of the respective depth
The FM effect is very simple and just increases the amount of a +1 octave modulator on the carrier. It mimics the sound of a decreasing pulse width to some extend, so it goes nicely with the familiar PW modulation in pulse mode.
For the pseudo-noise mode, the Pulse slider affects granularity (how 'dense' the noise will sound). Medusa will also interpret the note input as sample rate in this mode, which means you can shade the noise higher or lower.
Finally, Medusa now has a Monosynth mode. It's activated automatically if you up the Glide slider. If you set it to a very tiny amount, the portamento isn't noticeable, and you can use her as a simple Monosynth.
Enjoy, leave a comment & suggestions!
http://www.milkcrate.com.au/ub/Medusa2.zip (1.5 MB)
Once again thanks to iLKke for the new graphical elements and little-scale for the hosting.
And a special note for ant1:
I'm really sorry the custom arp mode didn't make it in. It was glitchy as hell, it will need a lot more time to figure out how to convince SynthEdit to do this properly. Sorry