I find that listening to my work in progress over and over will quickly make me become too content with how it turned out. Once I get something substantial written, I like to listen to it cause I'm proud of how it sounds or I think it sounds cool. I try to resist this urge because once I become satisfied in any way I will stop creating efficiently or even stop all together. My brain will become creative only when it has the drive to want to impress myself (and others) with something new. Which brings be to another point. Showing of you music to other before it is finished will kill your progress in the same manner. Cause once you receive praise for something, you will usually stop trying as hard on the song. One of the main drives behind a creative mind it to receive praise from others and from yourself. Once you get that, there isn't much motivation to continue.

tl;dr Solutions are: don't show off work in progress tracks to others till they are done. And only re-listen to tracks as much as is necessary to continue writing.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

celsius wrote:

I feel like this is covered well enough in the previously mentioned "Post your gig/home setup" thread. I'm closing this thread but if you disagree and feel you can convince me of the merit of this thread as a separate entity then please PM me.

In my mind they are two different things. One is about a specific piece of gear and how they have modified/customized it. The other is about the grand scheme of the entire setup.  Sure on the surface they look like two of the same 'show me your stuff' thread, but the questions being asked are quite different.

Edit: woops, I didn't realize I clicked the thread normally and went to the first page of old comments tongue Oh well, I'll keep my reply here regardless.


(30 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I don't think saving is supported yet on Goomba Color, is it? I also use EZFlash IV.

Acoustic Guitar (a la Antoine Dufour, Andy McKee, Don Ross)
Melodic Chip
Skweee :3

Thats pretty neat. Would be interesting to see if someone tries to use it to sequence gameplay of some video games. Kinda like recording a perfect speedrun without savestates and other such tool assists.

This looks so cool. So it is essentially converting midi data into button-press data?


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

onapokoya wrote:
TylerBarnes wrote:

Mango Iced Tea and a Shock Top - Belgian Style Wheat Ale
(no they aren't mixed)

Was drinking the same beer at the same time last night.  Funny.

Awesome! It's definitely one of my favorite beers. It has that blue moon feel but tastes a bit better in my opinion.


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Mango Iced Tea and a Shock Top - Belgian Style Wheat Ale
(no they aren't mixed)

Strangest sounds I've made came from an old Vtech kids learning device.

And the strangest I've made and also attempted to build a song around was this clippy patch I made on microkorg https://app.box.com/s/wuz8qxjw4rg6vmfvoua6


(22 replies, posted in Releases)


When Writing: Ableton Live + Midines
When Converting to final format: TextMate + ppMCK

or just MSSIAH Sequencer when I'm feeling vicious

yup, assuming you have a fully functioning NES, the rca will always be pumping out audio provided there is program audio playing.


(4 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

haha! Seeing metroid played manually made me smile. He did a great job on this.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Before anything, I choose a time signature, then arbitrary tempo. I then make the drums first. Mainly focusing on my kick's phrasing. Then, I plug in some bass tightly following the kick (at least if I'm going for that tight feel) Then it's up to my mood if I then go for chords, leads next. If I choose leads first then next I decide if I want dualing leads or chords behind it. Hats and crashes are usually modified last, that is, if I haven't made the hats an integral part of the rhythm already. Usually the 'icing on the cake' is portamento, vibrato, and pitch bends.

Would be cool if someone could create a sequencable version of 'Rez' along with adding the wav and noise channels. I realize it probably uses both pulse channels for only one note, but all acid house needs is the rezbass and some drums!

TylerBarnes wrote:

Same reason I don't get upset at OGRemix for not allowing chipmusic.

Actually OCRemix (if you mean OCRemix) does accept chipmusic, at least some chipmusic. I remember there being a pretty heated thread about it. The rule was there to discourage those super rad '8-bit' MIDI-rips.

Hmm, I see. All I really remember is getting descouraged from joining when I read:

"...employing nothing but basic tones or "chiptunes" is discouraged."