most certainly will be doing transparent colors. i haven't checked out the poll on this thing's product page on the KB site in a long time, but it'll be used to pick out the colors.
glad everyone likes the pics
pleased myself.
i don't have a price estimate, but i'm extremely close. i don't think i'll do these (at first) with new battery contacts, screws, and things like this. probably just screen covers (the power LED hole is now big enough for a 5mm LED, albeit optional of course, the new covers have a hole this big).
(just as a note to modders using this case in the future, if you want to use a smaller LED for power, like the original 3mm size,you can coat the inside of the 5mm hole with stuff that responds to the LED. like, using a UV LED with blacklight paint on the inside of the tube, or sparkle glue for some shimmer. i tried a piece of aluminum foil because it was there, this even looked cool. it'll fit a 5mm LED, but if you use something else, experiment with the space in this tube!)
well, actually, screw sets are alright, thats easy to come up with... (no more tri-wings huh!)
but, i will do new battery contacts and all that down the road, i'm just stretched too thin for them right now, and as of now i've not needed to use kickstarter or pre-orders to get this thing accomplished. battery contacts would require a debt, and thats last option, always. although, in the name of speed, the first batch may be pre-orders just so i don't have to save up the lump for it. once the mould is done, is auto-pilot anyways... pre-orders freak me out because of bleepbloop selling experience, which were pre-orders at first, then the shipment would arrive and tons of the carts wouldn't work, and it fell back on me of course. so, very hesitant to take on pre-ordering again, but we'll see. it may be a must...
so, (maybe) keep an eye out for that??? other blip things are on my mind, just need to approve the revisions to the mould, then its crunch time.
also i'll be doing something for a sticker design contest something for the back sticker. i have a lot of art planned for this thing, including limited edition runs with pixelart screenprinted on the case (like the original logo and button text, but art!). get some good artists from this scene, and do small runs of cases with their art.
probably limited colorways too. well, most definitely this.