what VCMG says, just turn the sound of the other channels down.
I usually have most instruments at 7X ish max.
Or, you could pan everything left, and the wave right and boost that, but that's silly.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Timbob
what VCMG says, just turn the sound of the other channels down.
I usually have most instruments at 7X ish max.
Or, you could pan everything left, and the wave right and boost that, but that's silly.
Well, at least you've got his address. That's something.
1: make a pixel drawing in photoshop of 160 × 144 pixels, 4 colour greyscale
2: convert to pcx > convert to tiles > convert to rom
3: ???
4: profit!
Timbob wrote:just a friendly reminder.
offer still stands.And if you're not on time for the next eindbaas, there will be loads more after that
PM me shipping shtuff imma send ya some CD/sticker pack with Cassettes also
just a friendly reminder.
offer still stands.
And if you're not on time for the next eindbaas, there will be loads more after that
What kind of games do you play kitsch? I don't know any multiplayer online games
katsumbhong wrote:The SGB is a tad bit faster because of the timing crystal... but you're only switching over the SGB CPU and not the SGB timing crystal.
Hmm, would switching over the crystal aswell, make the gameboy detune?
Yep. It would all sound detuned.
It would work, if you use a crystal twice as fast.
Then everything would be one octave higher.
A SGB crystal would make it just slightly faster without much benefit, and you'd have to patch the whole lsdj rom to get it all in tune.
Lots of work for not a lot of extra speed.
Theoratically if you over clock your DMG at double speed, and play everything at half the bpm and one Octave lower, you would have better table handling.
kitsch wrote:the DMG CPU revisions won't affect the ability to run tables.
But replacing it with a SGB CPU would.
Nope, it won't. It will just start faster, that's all.
also: do you use deep clone? If so, stop.
does deep clone also clone instruments? i thought it only cloned chains and phrases...
2 months later:
Little-scale virtual boy midi device.
You can usually see where the bad connections are if you slide your iron across the strip. After that, just keep it on that spot for a few seconds.
Sometimes the lines disappear when you remove the iron, only to come back when the solder underneath cools down.
Oh, and about fixing lines.
I usually use a soldering iron and put on some fresh solder with a flux core. The flux prevents the solder from sticking to the brown strip, and the blob of solder helps the heat to be distributed evenly on the contacts.
You might have some flux residue afterwards, but that's easy to clean.
I'm just about to paint a clear gameboy from the inside at the moment.
I usually just get them on Martkplaats.
Wow... Those are beautiful.
That's the one.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Timbob