(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Edit, oops, didn't realise i posts a page back, curse my sleepy postings! Where am I? What year is this?


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

www.alone-music.co.uk - yeah!


(195 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Crystal Labs wrote:

Dear Blip Gods,

I really want to go to Blip Festival this year, but am afraid that I won't be able to afford it if I don't reserve flights in the near future. Please, Blip Gods, answer my prayers. When will Blip Fest be?


I second this, I gotta book a flight from the UK, book time off work and get money together. The last part is in action, but all will be for nought if you don't confirm soooooooon

oh go on then: http://www.facebook.com/alonemusicuk


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

case in point: I dislike my job (though i feel lucky that it some what reflects my interests), it pays bills, runs the car (or cat as I just wrote, it also runs the cat, i have two cats...), keeps me fed. I also consider myself a musician, I play guitar, I talk about music, I listen to music, I compose music, therefore a musician. Not a very good one, fine, but a musician still. I'm not a professional musician though, but I don't think being paid makes the slightest bit of difference, I know plenty of people who don't get paid for what they do, yet they are fantastic musicians. So yeh, to me, Musician is someone who makes and plays music, in any form. you put words before and after musican to describe exactly what they do. "Paid" "shit""awesome" "professional" etc


(72 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

this idea makes me smile loudly. Trackers ain't my thing, If this had some simple midi clock a la nanoloop I'd be all over it like a rash with jam on it.


(3 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

So there I am drooling over the Shruthi-1... when I get another message about Meeblip. Another open source, simple bit of hardware. Its also pretty cheap. Do want!

Clips, pics etc..


But now.. Shruthi vs Meeblip... FIGHT!


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

infradead wrote:

the filters suck, they are steppy as hell to my ear.  not a fan of the delays as well.

where they excel is as a live looper when midi sync'd.

almost back on topic with serious question: I owned a KP3 for about 3 days and bought it to be a live looper, however it NEVER stayed in time with midi sync, it seemed to add like 1ms on at the end of each loop. The effects/delay/etc were rock solid with the clock, but the loops were always off after about a minute. I was really annoyed and sent it back. Have they fixed that issue?


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I like to sync my stuff.. NL2.3 with an MPC and EHX 2880 looper.. doesn't mean I do it particularly well though! Fun though building layers and loops.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

correct, it's not that its impossible, just something that gets missed out a lot of the time. Also I bloomin love the sound of old tape delays, echoes and crusty reverbs, so that may cloud my judgement.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

... at least it is better than this 'witch house' I keep hearing and reading and being told is great when really its just... not very good...

But yeh, Dubstep has a time and place and I'm interested to see where things go next, there are some great non-chip artists already branching out, for example Nedry are one of my current fav's. It is a shame people are so tied to genre sometimes, I recently found a Grime compilation that I bought off Replex records in like 2004 and lo! The music was actually what people would now call dubstep.

Back on the chip side of things, to me the most important 'feature' of this dubby steppe is space, beats that bounce and cascade, and I honestly don't hear that in chiptune as its just not in its lo-fi nature really. Still, for every ten meh songs there is usually something inspiring and at least worth a listen.


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

sexy! There was a cool arduino bit crusher around that i tried to build but I massively failed building it...


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

[img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs214.snc1/This spam will soon be deleted.jpg[/img]
taken about a year ago, so my estimate is that now Aki (the one not in the blue t-shirt) is double that size, he is a huge cat, or a dog in a cat suit as i am beginning to suspect.....


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I force myself to do things.... Give myself an hour and say, right the there is clock, do something with that (waves instrument/program in the air) now go! And don't stop.
I find just finishing something difficult, so don't worry about it, a lot of stuff you come up with will never go past the "oh I think this is crap" phase anyway, accept that, but don't let it rule you. Just save after an hour and bam, you got yourself a couple of minutes of noise, then come back to it a week or so later, give yourself another hour to work on more...
There are a lot of ways to beat 'writers block' but the most effective is usually just sit and write, don't be afraid of not living up to your own standards and always come back to something later (days, weeks even months) if there is something that excites you.
My couple of quid there,,,


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i caved a few days ago...


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

representing south wales, yo... though I don't think I count as I've only lived in cardiff for 6 years...