Alright, late new years resolution: I will no longer white knight newcomers with big ideas because they invariably start coming back with flippant unfunny responses that make me feel like a dumbshit for bothering. Someday I'll learn.
2 Mar 27, 2013 2:40 pm
Re: Game Dev looking for music? Read this! (21 replies, posted in Collaborations)
Active Knowledge
Email: [email protected]
All previous work is available at my website to stream, if you're looking to do space or sciencey things we will probably make sweet music together.
Okay to do this as well in here?
3 Mar 27, 2013 2:35 pm
Re: The Chip Music Hub Website Launch (104 replies, posted in Releases)
I don't know if you saw how the site looked just a day or two ago, but half the banner was a big picture of Vegeta saying "over 9000 gameboys" over a backdrop of different GB models or something like that.
Okay, well that's just ridiculous
4 Mar 27, 2013 2:26 pm
Re: Chiptune Venues and Promoters (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
[email protected] will get to us, and we have fun shows. To use Lazerbeat's start of a field list:
Country: US
City: Boston, MA
Active since: 2009
Show frequency: Bi-monthly (approximate)
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
5 Mar 27, 2013 2:23 pm
Re: The Chip Music Hub Website Launch (104 replies, posted in Releases)
Wait a second guys - Last night I assumed that you had beaten this person into submission and they removed the DBZ reference from the site.
No it's just super small, are you fucking serious? It took me 5 visits to even notice, and that's what this thread is about? HA
Edit: Okay, I'm going to actually say something useful to not add to the hyperbole:
The reason that well-meaning efforts like this fail around here is because the level of excitement that you're feeling as a new member of the community does not align with how jaded you can become as a chipmusic artist. A lot of people that have been here a lot longer than myself have seen things come and go that either drag away HUGE amounts of past material or HUGE amounts of information. Every time that happens, it is terrible and awful. Starting something like this (if it became successful/utilized) would likely become a job-level effort for you, and if you give up on it when the next shiny thing arises it hurts everyone. It's easy to give up on these things because they are not paying you money, rather you are likely paying to keep them afloat after awhile.
More importantly, these things are destined to fail unless there's some way to garner input from the community. If you put most of it together ahead of time, what's going to happen is a few people are going to hardy-har about your tiny (EDIT: Giant rather? Come on, man!) dragon ball z character and you'll become jaded. Jaded is the nirvana state of chipmusic. A better way to do this is to abandon weebly, start fresh, and brainstorm with some people which will hopefully prevent some of these things from happening. Hope you can appreciate the motivational speech and this is probably the wrong forum for nostalgia even though that's a bit silly.
6 Mar 27, 2013 2:16 pm
Re: What's with all the negativity? (162 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Personally, I really enjoy the atmosphere of the forum. If people acting dickish really bugs you so much, you're not just a noob - you're a noob to forums. Then again, my home forum is a much worse place than this will ever be. heh heh
Not to be one of the jerks but never say pkmn or home forum anywhere. :-)
I do love pikmin's music though.
7 Mar 27, 2013 3:39 am
Re: The Chip Music Hub Website Launch (104 replies, posted in Releases)
Fuck this place, man.
Totally don't need this shit.
Example #34,493 of how these forums seem to accomplish the opposite of community
8 Mar 27, 2013 3:35 am
Topic: Active Knowledge - Self-titled Physical Release [B8B002] Apr 10 (0 replies, posted in Releases)
Heads up, pre-order has begun for the physical CD release of 'Active Knowledge', the digital version of which was released on 12/21/2013 as part of the Chipocalypse album release on Geekbeat Radio. CD is $10bux which includes an immediate download of the digital version, and pre-orders knock that down to $8 if you order by April 10th (ship date).
Digital/Physical Album: -knowledge
All orders are drop-shipped through Kunaki which has never been a hassle in the past and is a great DIY service if you're looking to release a physical album. Any questions or press/review/other inquiries, please send to [email protected]. Cheers!
9 Mar 8, 2013 3:30 am
Re: Price Check: C64 mint in box? (6 replies, posted in Trading Post)
How much would you sell it for to a dear, dear friend?
Hey bud :-) I have another one that's not as clean but just as functional and unused, I'll PM you about it if you're down.
Also wtf, having a c64 without ever using it, what a crime against humanity!
Funny story, I had purchased one from rainbowdragoneyes after his studio flooded (:-() with the caveat that it was underwater and may not work... I managed to get it running but the sealed power brick must have had some water in it and flames came out of the top - I was explaining this to a guy at Radio Shack, and he gave me a phone number of a guy that he said may have a power supply or two kicking around... a guy who turned out to be the original Northeast warranty repair guy for Commodore :-O I was only asking for a power supply, but during a visit to his house he took both of these out and told me he'd let me have them for $20 a piece... I gave him $50.
So yeah, no idea what they'll actually go for but I just hate eBay and dealing with randoms on there.. we'll see how it goes I suppose.
10 Mar 8, 2013 1:22 am
Topic: Price Check: C64 mint in box? (6 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hi guys,
I've got a metric shit-ton of games equipment from cleaning out my old apartment a couple of weeks ago, most of which will end up making its way here to the trading post. However, not quite sure how much a new-in-box C64 would go for since the quality spectrum of eBay auctions, posts on here, etc. is incredibly wide. The box is a bit faded, but I've got the system/RF screw adapter/power adapter (with twist ties still intact, haha). This thing has been sitting in the box since is was built, still has styrofoam in place. Anyone have a ballpark range of what I could expect for it?
Sorry if this is a stupid thing to do in trading post, but this is obviously the most reliable place to look for someone with an idea of what to charge. Thanks!
11 Mar 8, 2013 1:11 am
Re: wtb/ commission: c64 joystick-port 4 pot box for mssiah/ prophet 64 (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I am in the middle of building one of these now, but I'm afraid I can't test until I get my Mssiah cart back from my old roommate. Are the carts still available online? (About to google/answer my own question)
Edit: Yep 50 EUR each - if nobody chimes in on this I will start a build for you in a week or so. [email protected] to discuss if you're down.
So you wan't a box with 4 pot's and 2 joystick wires? Would 500Kohm do? That's what I seem to remember from my C64 mods.
Yeah, they're 500k's.
12 Mar 8, 2013 1:09 am
Re: DMGs for sale 10$ (in person only) (7 replies, posted in Trading Post)
If you donate a couple to me non-onsite (because of Chris is in Massachusetts) for use with trying to jam an Arduino micro into one, I'd gladly build out the other when I'm done and send it back to you... [email protected] if you're interested :-)
PS By donate I mean I'd give you the $20 for em.
13 Mar 8, 2013 1:06 am
Re: Live Databending with ffmpeg and sox (10 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)
There seems to be a myriad people trying to do live databending.
Is there some sort of community specific to this sort of thing? Because I'd like to be keeping up with it, seeing as I just got access to Max 4 Live for the first time...
14 Mar 1, 2013 11:42 pm
Re: SOLD! (31 replies, posted in Trading Post)
If the two DMGs are still available (can't really tell from the thread), I will take them if it's not insane cost to ship to US.
15 Mar 1, 2013 10:24 pm
Re: GenMDM 4 sale. (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
DAMMIT :-) If it doesn't work out for some reason, I'm down. PS HI DUDE
16 Dec 26, 2012 1:58 am
Re: Active Knowledge - ACTIVE KNOWLEDGE (4 replies, posted in Releases)
UNREAL. Sorry guys, I've had a bunch of projects on max speed at the same time this week - I've added the link to the original post as it should have been to begin with! :-S
Thanks Victory Road for doing the Google footwork.