274 Dmg doesn't work with batteries and gets hot when batteries are in.
by killedatschool
275 Best GBA tracker that is most complete?
by Tao
278 Nanoloop 2.01 demo rom or similiar
by scannerboy
279 altane multicart capable?
by Roni
280 Intermittent Frontlight on CGB - Please Help
by electrikdave
281 Heinous Noise from Speaker
by electrikdave
282 LSDJ Kit Collection For All
by bitpusher2600
283 DMG Display gets darker and darker till DMG shuts down :-(
by spinach
285 Xiwi Electronics arduinoboy troubleshooting help
by Dustmasc
287 LSDJ 4.9.4 cannot save songs
by oxxi
288 Where do y'all GBA musicians tap off your Line Out signal/ProSound?
by CarrieStronggrog
289 Pushpin & Nanoloop USB-MIDI-adaptor
by waxorchid
290 Arduinoboy - still best LSDJ MIDI interface?
by lukeoftheaura
292 DMG won't run on batteries, only with external power supply
by Camuhflage
294 Trouble with USB-Midi Tool and Nanoloop one 1.7.6 on GBC
by mooxstuben
297 2 LSDJ Noob Questions!
by turdbundy
298 Sampling Gameboy Synths?
by Blues
299 how2 down-grade nano2
by frank angotti is dead
300 Nanoloop USB- MIdi adaptor send Song problem
by dotmicro