Abrasive: GB2 icecream.
Deleting even the topic of the thread is just plain childish.
Can't you stand by what you say?
I call for the original content, for the sake of posterity.
Agreed, Destructive forum edits are highly uncool.
that is all.
awesome, thanks wilba.
sheesh that looks labor-intensive! definitely cool idea though
seriously guys, i am really disappointed by this thread, the chip music world is a small one but a friendly one usually, but this thread is so bitter. there have been plenty of times i have built something and wanted to share it with the community, or built something specifically for the community and just been met with so much hate that i wanted to delete my posts.
this guy has built something unique, it is well built and looks good, that in itself should be recognized. It was built for the community and just because some don't think it will work, doesn't mean it should be met with harsh rejection. how hard is it to be polite to people? especially those who are trying to bring new ideas into the world?
Sure there may be some faults, but its a work in progress,
selling something with a nintendo logo on it may have a legal issue, but i really doubt nintendo care at all.
it may have loads of free space inside, but thats just room for more ideas,
maybe it could be done with an FPGA or emulator, but not everyone can do that kind of stuff, and the people who can, arn't.
maybe its too expensive for the average pennyless hipster, but there are some that will pay good money for things, when they know they are well built.
this is obviously a work in progress, DSC came here for some constructive criticism and got keyboard warrior replies, this idea could be really good, with a whole load of extras inside and a gameboy at the heart, it would achieve things that cannot be done to a handheld gameboy. with a new case with so much room it opens up so many possibilities.
leave DSC alone! he's a HUMAN!
Last edited by NeX (Jan 21, 2012 7:13 pm)
leave DSC alone! he's a HUMAN!
Im sorry but was there one personal attack on this thread? Sure trash came on strongly, but name one other post that might've crossed the line? I don't think anyone here did anything to attack anyone's right to be a human.
I think its DSC who turned this thread in a moral introspection on the soul of the forum. He could've ridden out the negative comments and turned it into a adult conversation that would only help make his project better, instead we are now on page three of hand wringing and baseless pronouncements.
If we can't disagree on things, we might as well turn this place into a kindergarten. YES YOU DID GOOD HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR.
/me drops Dauragon's mic.
i think you missed the "leave Britney alone" quote,
sure people can disagree, but politely, and when people put their ideas out negative feedback can be quite devastating, and i know thats just part of life, but the people making the negative feedback can at least try to do it in a more polite way.
also i think people are looking at what it is, which is just a prototype at the moment, they are not looking at its potential, which could be really really great with enough development. nothing is perfect the first time.
NeX wrote:leave DSC alone! he's a HUMAN!
Im sorry but was there one personal attack on this thread? Sure trash came on strongly, but name one other post that might've crossed the line? I don't think anyone here did anything to attack anyone's right to be a human.
I think its DSC who turned this thread in a moral introspection on the soul of the forum. He could've ridden out the negative comments and turned it into a adult conversation that would only help make his project better, instead we are now on page three of hand wringing and baseless pronouncements.
If we can't disagree on things, we might as well turn this place into a kindergarten. YES YOU DID GOOD HERE IS YOUR GOLD STAR.
/me drops Dauragon's mic.
Sorry, I didnt get the reference. Either way, everyone needs to man the fuck up and work on making a great project for the community. All my other comments still stand.
Sorry, I didnt get the reference. Either way, everyone needs to man the fuck up and work on making a great project for the community. All my other comments still stand.
maybe true, i think there are not that many people making new things for the community. there are a lot of modded gameboys, threads about "my first prosound!" but nothing that shockingly new. thats what i think is a shame really,
i think you missed the "leave Britney alone" quote,
sure people can disagree, but politely, and when people put their ideas out negative feedback can be quite devastating, and i know thats just part of life, but the people making the negative feedback can at least try to do it in a more polite way.
also i think people are looking at what it is, which is just a prototype at the moment, they are not looking at its potential, which could be really really great with enough development. nothing is perfect the first time.
I'm sorry I was harsh but hey, it was 1 post where I was blunt. It was not a personal attack, and no of course I cannot condone it. How would you feel if you did a slew of research & development for free, for the community, to then have someone else turn around and use it for profit without permission?
I'm sorry I was harsh but hey, it was 1 post where I was blunt. It was not a personal attack, and no of course I cannot condone it. How would you feel if you did a slew of research & development for free, for the community, to then have someone else turn around and use it for profit without permission?
i see what you mean, i think he was waiting for your approval before selling, but then i also think it is like my midi gameboys, i am not selling your work, that bit is free, the work i do and the parts are what i charge for.
its one of those weird things about data, its very easy to copy and give away data for free, it may be a lot of hard work to create it, but in the end it is nothing physical, where as things like actual electronics cost money and resources, and its not so easy to give it away, maybe it can be given away at cost price, but for big projects like this, most people don't have the time to put so much effort into something and get no return.
I'm sorry I was harsh but hey, it was 1 post where I was blunt. It was not a personal attack, and no of course I cannot condone it. How would you feel if you did a slew of research & development for free, for the community, to then have someone else turn around and use it for profit without permission?
Originally DSC said that he could make them with other chip programs as well like LSDJ or nanoloop, if I remember correctly. Which would mean what he's selling is the rack design itself, not the programs that are installed into it. I would understand if he was selling the programs outright without permission but installing it into a Game Boy rack that a customer ordered doesn't really seem the same. I mean, kitsch wouldn't get crap for flashing a cart with mGB for a customer that just bought the cart would he?
I was never aware this person wanted to sell this as a product, I thought iit was a "hey guys look what I built!" kinda thing.
I totally agree with Trash80's reaction to this, then.
The rack itself, despite mGB or if it had any other software, had an Arduinoboy inside, which is what gave it MIDI capabilities.
First of all I want to thank everyone for this discussion. I have only the best intentions with this project.
Sorry for delay, I did not think I was going to have to build a dedicated blog to this soooo fast.
This is a really rough site, but I will be adding content as fast as I can.
This is my side.
'not condone' by dictionary definition means not forgive.
'insult' by dictionary definition means to treat with insolence, indignity, or contempt.
This is just how I read it.
I have much respect for Timothy Lamb. Maybe most can't see why I would be upset, so let me explain.
As much as I love to hear comments and suggestions from all of you, your influence is not needed to
have this project move forward. Timothy Lamb's influence is already in this project and it is safe to
say that this would not have even started without mGB and the arduinoboy code.
If he alone does 'not condone' and is 'insulted' by this, I don't wish to piss him off any further.
Out of respect to his feelings alone I removed the content.
You state to 'innovate' not emulate', but I would argue that a form factor change can be innovation.
For example.
The way we use telephones has not really changed. We still talk into a mouth piece and listen to the receiver.
Make it wireless with a battery and all of a sudden everyone can use one. Payphones are now obsolete
because of a form factor change.
I appreciate the fact you don't value my hacking skills. But to overlook the effort so blatantly tells
me you need to work on your social skills.
Krubbz is right, most sound engineers see these as toys and nothing more. Their narrowed view keeps them
from seeing what is possible. I would almost have to say the same for you trash80.
This is the first rackmount concept for Nintendo gear that I'm aware of. It is far from perfect. I welcomed all ideas to make
it better. Why you had to condemn it as fast makes me wonder.
As far as profit, you make it sound like I'm going to make a million dollars from these.
I only offered compensation as not to be that annoying neighbor who always wants something for free.
Nitro in a pm had no problem with compensation. NeX is a freaking genius and deserves
everything he gets from what he does, shit if I could afford him I would hire him full time. His ideas and
direction are second only to you trash80 or maybe even more!
I'm not making any money on these. I figure I would have to sell at least half a dozen to just to make
minimum wage. Is that making money? I just don't want to insult anyone thinking that they have to work
for free. All of this has been out of my own pocket.
Pushing the boundaries on concepts is what I do best. I am a polarizer. You either love my stuff or you hate it.
My personal audio page link. (Warning it might take a few minutes to load. Heavy flash content.)
Thanks again for all of the comments. And don't worry we are not deterred. Even with set backs we
will continue on. In a few weeks I will post the step by step pics to MY site as promised.
I'm looking for a programmer who can code a custom synthesizer for the Gameboy platform, anybody
http://createdigitalmusic.com/2005/08/c … tendo-nes/
10 seconds on google yielded this.